
How do I make liquid compost and what is it good for?

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How do I make liquid compost and what is it good for?




  1. It's used as a concentrated liquid fertilizer (also called Black Gold). One way I know of that you can make it is with redworms and dog poo. You can buy special composting bins for the worms that has a screen on the bottom and a drip tray. Just throw the poo in with the worms and they break it down into the liquid fertilizer. It's actually a very environmentally friendly way to dispose of the poo.

    However, it's not recommended for use with fruit or vegetable producing plants.

  2. you are talking about compost tea.  you need a compost bin.  throw in you grass and leaves and any veggie waste.  when you have compost, put a shovel or two in a burlap bag and set it in a bucket of water.  let it brew.  after a few days, you have liquid fertilizer.  use it on you plants and flowers.  does wonders for veggies.  never use the dog or cat waste.  not a good thing.

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