
How do I make money without a job?

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I have a job but I want more money.




  1. Selling on Ebay, affiliate marketing, ghost writing articles and ebooks for other people, buying stuff at government auctions and then reselling them on ebay, data entry work, etc...

  2. Get a good photocopier

  3. try this its great i been doing it for 2 years now.  

  4. a printing press?

  5. ebay




  6. Sell unwanted items on ebay. Cut some grass. Offer maid services. Find better ways to save what you already make.

  7. well u can always sell your body to science

  8. you will need to either help mow lawns and stuff or have a yardsale and sell your old stuff but nothing is for free...ohhh try wining the lottery but its still not free because you need to buy the ticket

  9. careful - the IRS would like to speak to you

  10. stand on a corner

  11. Hi Quan Crack,

    There are many legitimate work from home opportunities available to you. There are also many scams out there. You will need to do your home work to keep from getting burned.

    I have a BS degree in engineering and for several years I worked as a structural engineer on nuclear power plants. So you may find that I am giving you a few more details than you desire. But that is how engineers are! Eventually I went off to Bible College and began pastoring full time. As a pastor I was not making enough money to support my family of four. Forsaking my calling was not an option. Neither did I desire to go back to work in corporate America. Traffic, bosses, and other considerations pushed me to work from home.

    The first thing you need to decide is, are you looking for a JOB or a business opportunity. Each one is very different. A job may offer you more security and a steady paycheck but you are building the owners dreams not yours. A job should not have any or very little start cost because the owner is taking care of the overhead.

    A business is not a job. You are the owner and you are the one taking the risk. But you are also the one that will reap the rewards for your success. You are working toward your dreams not someone else’s. Yes, with a business of your own there will be a start up cost. But as you know even a child’s lemonade stand has a start up cost. The parents may buy the lemons, sugar, and paper cups for them but there is a start up cost.

    So first decide do you desire a job where you may have security but you are helping someone else achieve their dreams. Or do you desire a business of your own. You take the risk but you also reap the rewards of your success. For me I am willing to take the risk of building my own business.

    If you decide to start your own business there are some things to consider. First, you need to decide how much money you are willing to invest to get started. Yes there is a cost to start a business, even when starting a lemonade stand.

    Second, you need to decide if you desire to market a product or a service. Which ever you do make sure that it is a commodity that is in demand. Learn more about this at .

    Third, I suggest you make sure the company has been around for some years. Over 90% of businesses fail in their first year. Then the majority of the other 10% fail in the next 4 years. So chose a business that has some time on its’ side.

    Fourth, make sure the compensation is worth your time and effort.

    Fifth, make sure the person you are working with has the ability to mentor and coach you. Most home base businesses fail because the person does not get any one on one mentoring. No successful business person makes it on their own. They always have a source for coaching and mentoring. The source is often the combination of books and individuals.

    I know this has been long but I hope it has been of value for you. Much success as you go through this journey of life. You will have success.

    To check out what I do type in in your web browser.


  12. Then get a better job.  Or a second job.

    No one is going to give you money for nothing.  You will have to work for it.  You could mow lawns, deliver pizzas, babysit, etc.

  13. when you find out, let me know. Sike. There are plenty of ways to make money aside from trading time for dollars. The question is, what are willing to do? Open a home-based candy/snack store. By wholesale and mark-up. Spread the word through neighboring school kids.  

  14. Well, that all depends on you...what do you like to do? Do you have any interests? There is a great article on “doing what you know” at the first link I provided below.

    If you have any particular skill, such as web design or cartooning, you could look on craigslist for some gigs.

    Also, you could start your own business. There are plenty of sites out there that would get you started in the right direction. See the links below for a jumpstart.


  15. You can't.  Even crime is work.

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