
How do I make more guy friends?

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I know this question may sound... shallow? But I'm a junior now in high school and I still don't have any guy friends that I'm close to. Any advice?




  1. Be Yourself in front of them just like when you are with gal friends

  2. Join like like clubs and sports that have guys in them and just act yourself you will find guys that will naturally talk to you if you are around alot because they will be curious. Good Luck!

  3. I think that if you have any ex boyfriends in that school that you are still friends with ask if you can meet there friends. Also if you have a boyfriend ask to meet his friends and get to know them. You also can find one of your girlfriends that talk to plenty of guys and see if you can find someone to talk to from there.  

  4. As opposed to other suggestions, I would say do not try to talk to them. Guys don't like talking, they like silence, hanging out and doing things. And a lot of them will enjoy a girl who is not hitting on them as a company. Simple things like movies, doing sports, fishing, hiking, smoking expensive Cuban cigars... you name it.

  5. you know what you need to do, get down and dirty.

    NO DICE  

  6. Honestly, just talk to them more. If you and your friends are hanging out, invite some along. And if you really want to be close to some of them, start talking to them, and like..from experience, I became really good friends with guys just by talking and like asking for advice. Just talking about life and stuff. Because not all guys are stupid. Some have really good perspectives and are really great friends that are going through the same thing.  

  7. all you really have to do is talk to them. work your way into a conversation with some of your friends and guys. if your doing a sport activity then show you are really good. that's how i get tons of guy friends. I'm always the girl who is playing sports with the guys, and keeping up with or beating them. just knowing some for a few years can help. ask for help or an opinion. just stuff that you do with your gal friends. but be yourself.

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