
How do I make my 6 year old mare stop kicking our other horses on the ride when another horse is near her?

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She will kick our other horses when they are loping or walking anywhere near her. Is there any way to break her of this habit?




  1. I do not agree with ever using a crop on any horse for any reason! first of all you should tie a red ribbon onto your horses tail(at the top) this lets people know that your horse is a kicker. most everyone knows that, now for the kicking problem, as soon as your horse is about to kick (or has kicked another horse)you turn her in tight circles  make her work at it do it every time and i guarantee it works. The horse soon  learns that if it kicks it has to work.and soon there will be no more kicking.

  2. First off there is nothing wrong with using a crop and nothing wrong with kicking. If you don't know how to handle a horse you shouldn't be riding it. Let a more experienced person work out the faults. I've trained many horses that kick at the horses behind them. The best thing you can do is find out what is the best tool for you to discipline YOUR horse. Not all horses react the same way. Try the crop, if she does not respond, try moving her hind quarters over or let the horse pass, if none of this works have someone with experience ride her with another horse on a halter that she likes riding right beside or somewhere near her.If she shows no interest try it with a horse she dislikes. Keep doing it until you know she has no problem with the other horse. All she needs is an atittude adjustment.

  3. I don't agree with that answer. I believe immediantly making her yeild her butt would be alot more kinder to her and wouldn't make her mean like a hard smack would. I agree that some horses just need a smack but don't let it be a first option. I would suggest immediantly move her to the back when she even offers to kick and make her walk in the back then slowly move her back up when she calms down. Don't give her the opertuninty! A Horse that's going forward can't kick. The second you feel that tension make her turn her butt away from the horse and if you can't let her have your heels. If she's a horse that doesn't go foward immediantly you might need a crop. Good luck, hope this helps.

  4. Smacking her and bullying her will eventaully result with you in the dirt.

    My mare is the exact same way, because she's a bossy girl. She kicks out when other horses are near, but it's not her fault. If a rider is so near that your horse starts kicking, it's generally their fault. If she just starts kicking when a horse is over 5 feet away, then you've got a minor problem.

    I usually sit deeper in the saddle, and tell my mare (never force her, I've had mouthfuls of dirt for times when i've TOLD her) to do some excercises that require her attention, like circles, figure eights, sometimes I'll have her do turn on the forehand, away from the horse, of course. If she keeps kicking out, make her stop, back up (if the horse near her is to her side; if not, just warn the rider that you're stopping, and let her get out of the way) and wait for the pair to pass. Reward her good behavior (resting hind foot, calming down, ears drooping, head dropping slowly) and ignore her bad behavior. Eventually, she should get to a point where she'll expect praise from you, and be on her best behavior.

    Good luck!

  5. smash him or knock him out

  6. I don't agree with Sara that it is the fault of another rider when her horse kicks.  While arena etiquette should be practiced, and crowding another horse is frowned upon,  kicking is always unacceptable behavior when a horse is being ridden or handled.  And trail rides are not arenas.  Horses can be practically on top of each other on some gruelling rides up and down steep cliffs on narrow wooded just happens. That said, any of the methods listed will do the job...I've seen it done lots of different ways.

  7. I had the same problem with my 6 yo. carry a crop and smack her when ever she kicks, if she kicks in reaction to the crop, smack her again. another thing you could do is when she kicks, gallop her forward a couple strides and pull her to a quick halt and back her. do it when ever!! she kicks. good luck! you might want to reinvent these situations in a ring so that you have more control over her.

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