
How do I make my body produce endorphins?

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I want 2 get naturally high I heard your body produces endorphins and I need 2 know how u get them?

Ive been naturally high before usually happens when I talk 2 the girl I like




  1. Are you depressed that you need a high ? Go get treated fast if so:)

  2. One way is to eat hot chili peppers. And I mean I mean hot. Go to the grocery store and buy some habenero peperrs and cut them up and put them in your food. You will start sweating from eating them and you will get high from the pain. I used to do this but I have become immunme to the the burn from doing it for years.

  3. A stenuous work out or run can produce a rush of endorphins. People commonly call it "runners high." Good for you realizing one can get high naturally. Why do we need antidepressants and illegal drugs when we can produce the same effects ourselves?

    Also, develop optimism and a belief in your abilities. That always give sme a high. Self-confidence and self-efficacy gives me a natural high. Happiness is a choice. Euphoria is a choice.  

  4. three words... you ready?

    join cross country.


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