
How do I make my chin look larger?

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my chin is a little smaller thus giving me a slightly weaker jaw, is their any other thing I can do to make my chin look larger (EXCEPT SURGERY)? How should I keep my facial hair?




  1. Yes, keep your facial hair longer to give the optical illusion of a longer chin. However, the only way to really fix this problem is by doing what you specifically don't want to do and that is surgery. Facial hair does not look good on any man. Is it possible that you just accept your chin the way it is?

  2. until you get really fat?

  3. Grow a really really big beard!

  4. get surgery

  5. what in the fudgin world....

  6. Maybe grow a goatee! They're s**y and will make your chin look fuller.

  7. Uhhh like eat Mcdonalds like the rest of the fatties and get a double chin.

  8. A small well kept beard will work. You a gotee. It works with the mustache or with out.

  9. put plaster and mold your chin how you like ... works for me  

  10. Buy a skateboard, ride off of a large flight of concrete stairs.

    When ambulance picks you up, ask them to reset your jaw at the desired angle, giving you a more prominent look to your face.

  11. If you saw the Olympic swimmers, there was one guy with a line of hair around his jaw? This serves to emphasize the jaw and would probably work well to make it look bigger. Big beards are yucky.

  12. long


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