
How do I make my dog listen to me?!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Today she ran out of the front door as I was coming in and bolted down the street. Ran into the neighbours house, chased their cat and tried to kill it, all the while with the neighbours screaming abuse at me to stop her, and me trying to coax my dog to come to me and stop but she wouldn't. Spent about 20 minutes chasing her until finally caught her. Next a repairman came round to fix stuff, he had a super ridiculously fancy car and as he was coming in the dog got out again and scratched his fancy car and broke his cell phone, then bit him! More abuse screamed at me, and me unable to control my dog. She will listen and come to me around the house, in the yard, in the park, but it's like when she manages to escape she just goes completely rebel and wont listen to anyone. I am at my wits end, the car and cell phone are going to cost me over $2,000 to replace for the repairman just because my stupid dog wont listen to me! HELP!!!




  1. Before you open the door, put a lead on her and step on the leash so she can't bolt. Then get her to do a "down" for you. As you open the door, if she gets up, non-mark her (ack, ack) and close the door. Get her to do a down again. Keep repeating this until she stays then open the door and take her out for a fun walk. Initially just practice this on your own. Once she is better, you can get a friend to help you by knocking at the door or ringing the doorbell.

    For now, if you have to leave the house, put her in her crate or long-term enclosure. She doesn't get to roam free until she learns to not bolt out of the door.

  2. if YOU can not control your dog to the point that it BIT someone then YOU should not HAVE a dog. it is not THE DOGS falt it is should make sure it is under control BEFORE YOU open the door ..even if that means putting it in a creat..if you can not get contole of it ...just think the next person that it bits could be a make a move fast before it is to late

  3. you should put her in a different room when you open up a door...

    you should teach her the words "sit" and "stay"

    and when if it ever happens again, when you catch her, discipline her and put her in her kennel

    and, always have her on a leash if you are outside, you should maybe even take her to training classes

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