
How do I make my dog meaner?

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For protections sake.

She is a 1 and a half year old pit bull.

I live in a bad neighborhood and would like that extra bit of safety.




  1. Bring her into a professional, and do not try to do it yourself, or let someone who doesn't know to much, try to train your dog to be "mean". You don't want a "mean" dog, you want a protective dog, take her to a class specializing in this, or send her to k9one ( ) they'll do a wonderful job at it!

  2. First of all you just said you are trying to get your dog to fight and feed her gun powder!  You are sick and should not have a dog!!!!!

  3. Lawsuit waiting to happen.

  4. smart idea!

  5. 1. Give away dog

    2. Buy hand gun

    3. you are an idiot...gun powder...

  6. Why would you want her to be mean??? If she sneses that you are in danger she will protect you. Dont train her to be mean because it can always potentially go to far.

  7. dont make it meaner u be nicer take it for walks on leashes and keep it indoors

  8. don't try and make your pitbull meaner, if you do..she might end of biting you too.  get a security system installed for your own protection.

  9. You last post stated you wanted to give her gun powder to make her meaner.  You said she came from good fighting pits but was too timid and you know she could do better.  

    You are an idiot and should not be allowed to have a stuffed dog.  When you are going to post stupid things, try to keep your stories straight.  Just because 20million kids want us to tell them how to make their parents get them a dog, does not mean we don't go back to see if you have previously posted.

    Will report this one too.

    Give the dog to someone who will treat her like a pet and get a life

  10. You have to be the stupidest person ever to make a pit bull mean!!

    She'll end up betraying YOU and that bad neighborhood will be safer than your dog.

    Get a BRINKS home security if you're that concerned (or better yet move to a different area)

  11. First get educated on your liability if your dog harms anyone before you make the bad decision of training aggression.  You want protection yes, but at what cost?  What if your dog is aggressive to the 5 year old down the street?  Teach it to bark when someone comes close to the house, but not aggression.  This breed has a bad rep because of owners who didn't consider the consequences of bad, or worse, no training with this breed.  Your responsibility is not only to the dog but your community.  Don't fail both of them.

  12. You don't if you want to keep her. Get a gun permit take some lessons buy a gun and get an alarm system installed.

    Don't put your dog's life and well being at stake just for YOUR safety.

  13. No need to do this!  If your dog is naturally protective, then she will protect you in the event there is a serious threat.  If she is not naturally protective, she wouldn't be a candidate for professional protection training.

    I have an APBT who protected us during an attempted mugging when she was just seven mos. old and about 35 lbs.

    She is naturally protective.  She has been socialized to people and other animals and loves people.  Strangers approach and pet her, kids- adults- she loves people.  But on one occasion when someone tried to harm us, she stood that person down real swift and sharp. NO TRAINING NEEDED!

    Also, without having to harm the would-be mugger.

    I have seen dogs seriously damaged by do-it-yourself attempts to "attack train" a dog.

    It's really not a good idea!

    Just spend time with your pup and love her. She'll be there for you though hopefully the occasion will never arise.

    Dogs and people can't outrun bullets and don't fare well against knives and other weapons.  So you may want to try to find a place to move to that is safer for you and your dog.

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