
How do I make my eye heal faster?

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I must have scratched my eye some how but I don't know exactly what happened. My eye has been irritating me for a few hours so I looked in the mirror and it was really red along the vein thing and really ultra super red next to the colored part.

So how do I make it heal faster?




  1. don't itch it and get some pink eye medicine (if it is pink eye)

  2. You shouldn't assume you scratched your eye if you don't know that you did.  Red eye(s) like you describe can be from various things - even high blood pressure or hemorrhaging into the eye.  The following is a REALLY, REALLY informative web page that lists like a million reasons for "red" eyes.  The link is:

    I'm thinking that you will find the answer to ANYTHING you have a question about on this site.  It's really good.

    Hope it's something very benign and nothing serious with your eye.  Really.  :-)

    As far as what "Mr. Rightish " said in his answer to you, that is so unsterile.  Yes, might have been OK when his mom did it because that was the only thing available but now, DUH!, they actually sell eye wash kits in drug stores and the solutions that come with them are steril and not something that can make an infection, if there's one, worse!

  3. well don't rub it . when i was a kid my mom would put cold water in a glass or jar. get  one that has an opening just big enough to cover your eye. then press it firmly around your socket to make a water tight seel and tilt your head back and open your eye. blink a few times and that should help to flush it out if what scratched you is still in there.they make eye flush cups just for this typ of thing , but if you want the homemade version use a cup or jar;...

  4. Visine or Gentile Eye Lubricant.  Eye injuries generally heal themselves and do so rather quickly, but for discomfort.....the above should help.

  5. Grab command the powers of god and use them on your eye. You could even have perfect vision as well :0.

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