
How do I make my eyes stand out?

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I can i make my eyes stand out? I have naturally big eyes and i have been told this is the reason i don't suit eye liner but there has to be another way to make them stand out, any ideas? oh and they are hazel by the way!




  1. Try this new eye shadow form Covergirl.

  2. you can use dark,smokey eyeshadows,or you could use pretty bright eye shadows! if eye liner isnt your thing you could try clear mascera it works really well and makes your eyes pop with out looking a little odd with out eye liner.. hope i helped!!!! :)

  3. use natural colors...not so strong..,but also use some black ,make it gradient, also kohl, but don't use it inside your eyes if they are can put a little in the tip of the eye

    brown, grey and light pink ...would look good on your eyes

  4. I always get compliments on my eyes because they are big and bold...recently i have found that using eyeliner in a certain way can make your eyes look smaller. But im assuming you want to keep them bold and beautiful! Well, what I have been doing recently is to not use any eyeliner at all but to use eyeshadow instead. just dragging your eyeshadow brush lightly under your eyes and subsitute the use for eye lines...try it out!

  5. Lucky you! I would just stick with a really good quality mascara to open up your eyes even more- I love Maxfactor max masterpiece mascara! If you just use some mascara it will keep your look natural too!

  6. Mascara, and purple should accentuate the green in your hazel eyes. So, a dab of purple eyeshadow (not to much!!!) would be good.

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