
How do I make my face stop hurting and stop secreting oil from a serious sunburn I just got and I'm in Chile?

by Guest34222  |  earlier

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Ok so first off, I'm from the states but I'm currently studying abroad in Chile. That being said here's the issue.

Yesterday I went snowboarding in the Andes and didn't wear sunblock (I didn't believe my Chilean mother when she said to do so, learned my lesson)

I got hardcore burnt on my face and my neck (all I wore was goggles and a beanie). Today I woke up in immense pain. My face is bright red (which I can deal with, I know that just takes time) but it HURTS and its SECRETING or pussing what appears to be oil. It's like I'm sweating out of my nose and my cheeks and I have to constantly wipe it. Because of this being in public is quite embarrassing.

Lastly, I'm on medication that says that I shouldn't be in the sun (Minocycline 100mg).

I'm planning on getting 100% aloe for it.

Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas? I can't go to doctors here because it's too expensive. Thanks in advance




  1. I think it's secreting plasma, not oil. that's the "water" in your blood. You should go to the hospital, or at least your doctor.

    EDIT: sorry, i didn't see that last bit. Try to keep hydrated. And yea, aloe is good.

  2. try and find an aloe plant. if you break off one of the leaves and smooth it on your face it will help a lot. its really messy though so be prepared. My friend has an aloe plant and she says it helps so much.

    You may also want to put on a cream after the aloe dries on your skin. When you burn yourself your skin becomes dry and that probably why your pussing....your body is trying to bring moisture to the skin. So just put a moisturizer on after the aloe dries and try to find one with an SPH in it.  

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