
How do I make my hair grow faster???

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How do I make my hair grow faster???




  1. A lot of people will say water, balanced diet, exercise, vitamins but the thing that worked for me recently and I wasn't even trying to grow my hair was whey protein powder. I decided to have it in the morning for breakfast mixed with yogurt so it would fill me u and give me my daily protein requirements and next thing you know my hair sprouted at least 1.5 inch in 2 weeks. My hair is short and I had to get another haircut because it was growing wild. Give it a try

  2. take once a day vitamins, take a biotin vitamin as well once a day, wash your hair with a serious cleanser to cleanse the scalp, this is the perfect environment for your hair to grow b/c its hard for hair to grow on a dirty scalp, pores get cloged and hair stops growing. also get your ends trimmed 1/4 an inch every 8 weeks. thats it... it doesnt get and better than that and nothing else will make it grow faster.

    and dont waste your money on hair pills, they are packed with vitamins that your body needs but they give you way too much in each pill and your body discards most of the vitamins. your body can intake only so many. just go to walmart in the vitamin section and get you some once a days and a bottle of biotin.

  3. there isnt something you can do to get it to grow really long really fast.. but here are a few easy and simple tricks:

    dont wear your hair in a ponytail very often.

    get your hair trimmed often. like every 5 weeks.

    do your last rinse in the shower with cold water. [you know when your legs get cold and the hair on your legs grow? the same thing happens with your head.]

    brush it before you go to bed. it wont let your hair get any longer.. but it will get all the stray hairs out which can help.

    umm... im runing out of ideas.

    try using a shampoo and conditioner that helps with long hair.

      i've used herbal esence long term relationship shampoo and conditioner. it didnt make my hair longer.. but it made it thicker so that my hair wouldnt break.

    or try using horse shampoo! it totally works!

    good luck.

    hope i helped!

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