
How do I make my hamster stop biting me?

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Please don't say anything like "You can't" because my question isn't "Can I make a hamster stop biting me?"




  1. First, rub your hands in your hammy's bedding, so you get a more natural scent that your hamster recognizes. Approach with your hand really slowly and in a non-harmful way. Don't make any loud noise or sudden movements. Lay your hand on the floor of the cage until your hammy crawls onto your hand. Do this for several days until your hamster gets used to you. Whenever the hammy does crawl onto your hand, offer it some food. (the unwritten law applies here: don't bite the hand that feeds you) Your hamster will recognize you as a friend and your relationship will be improved dramatically. Have fun with your hammy!

  2. if you just got him and from a pet store, he will probably need to be tamed. good luck!!

  3. It will take time. What kind of hamster is it? if it's a chinese dwarf hamster, they are sometimes prone to biting and he will mellow out with age and care. If he's a Syrian you are tame him by hand feeding him treats and gently petting him when he is out of the cage. Don't put your hand in his cage, let him come out of the cage to you. They don't like anyone's hands in their cage.

  4. offer him/her food to bite on, hopefully it will like that better than your finger.   good luck!

  5. Sometimes hamsters may bite you if they're scared, so you usually have to slowly get him used to your touch.

    Also, wash your hands after feeding because some hamsters get confused about whether your fingers are food or not, as they smell the same, so try and wash your hands regularly.

    Try and tame your hamster in the evening, because they are nocturnal and don't like to be woken up in the day time.

    Good luck!

  6. If you let him bite you and jerk your hand back, he knows that his defense is working. So next time it happens just try not to move away.Even though it might hurt. You have to let him know you aren't afraid. You're the boss!!!

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