
How do I make my kids share a cat?

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My daughter picked up 2 strays the other day. One was about 3 months old, and the other about 6 months. The 3 month old was way to aggressive and mean for our family. So we got rid of it. I'm now thinking that we should do with just the one cat, but am not sure how to convince my 7 yr old that. She wants us to go get another one!! Should I just give in and get another cat so that both my 4 yr old and 7 yr old have one?




  1. No, do not give in otherwise you daughter will learn that she gets what she wants if she gripes and nags you for it, simply explain to them that no-one in your family owns the cat, tell them that the cat is a family member, not just a pet. They will start to think of the cat as a fluffy relative and share it like they share an aunt or a cousin.



  2. No, if you think one is enough - then it is.

    Have them split the responsibilities, every other day they can go through the responsibilities of feeding, giving water, brushing, and scooping out the cat liter. Keep a chart if it makes it easier to remember who's "day" it is. Then when it comes time for the vets, have both kids go along to "help" so they can see all that is really involved with owning an animal.

    When it comes to playing with the animal, make sure your kids understand that the cat will decide when it wants to play, regardless of who's "day" it is so they won't fight over the poor thing!

    When you are satisfied that they both can take care of the cat properly, perhaps then you can introduce another cat, or wait for this cat to pass on before getting 2.

    Regardless of your choice, I wish you the best of luck!

  3. If you keep giving in, they'll eventually have everything but the mall!

    If they don't share the cute little kitty, tell them that you'll take it away.

    That'll shut 'em up. =]

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