
How do I make my leap better for Dance Team Try-Outs???

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I Need to make my leap a lot better. I still have like, a year to get more flexible, but this is one of the biggest things for try-outs. And I want to look good for the clinic. Hmmm,. . . HELP!!!




  1. you probably don't want to hear this but a lot of practice but i do have a few pointers.

    1. the best way to make leaps look good are to try and make them pop .... this means that at the height of the leap try to all of a sudden just push them up so they kinda pop at the top

    2. seriously don't waste all your energy on  the prep make it fast and then really jump as high as possible so you get a light feeling the jump will be easier if you feel light.

    3. plie  befoer you leap for that final push and tighten your legs and stomach as much as possible so you have the strengh to bring them up.

    hope i helped!

  2. Work on your splits.

  3. Practice doing your splits every day. I am not sure if the leap is right or left if you don't know practice both. A lot if the time they do right since it is mostly in general the better leg for dancers. Although sometimes judges will throw a curveball and do the left leg. Just remember you can have all the flexibility, but if you don't have the leg strength you will never get a better leap. Work out both of your legs every day by do leg extensions and holding them there and also doing high kicks. Also Remember practice makes perfect so just don them over and over and pretty soon you will notice a huge improvement. Good Luck! If you have any other questions feel free to email me.


  4. splits will make it easier to get the pop in the air. height depends on how you approach it. i agree with the other person, plie first. make sure your arms look graceful as well.

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