
How do I make my mom give into letting me go to this huge this at Disneyworld in California? ?

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I really want to go (MORE THAN ANYTHING) And she is saying no right now.




  1. I don't know.

    Tell her that you will earn your trip. Help her around the house, help your neighbors to earn a few bucks, wash cars around your block. Tell your mom that you will do great in school,  I don't know, have her understand that this means so much to you.

    A trip to Disney is not cheap. You should consider that if you want to go to California from Orlando, Florida (which is where you placed your question) you'll need to go cross country which is not cheap. Also, the tickets alone to get into Disney are pretty expensive and once you are inside everything is sold at insane prices. Just consider that maybe it is not the best time to ask for your mom for something that pricey.


  2. And what exactly does this have to do with Orlando?

  3. what do you want to go to?

    all you said was "this huge" whats that mean?

    and disney world is in orlando florida and disney land is in anaheim california so which one are you talking about?

    you didn't give much details.

    how old are you?

    where do you live?

    how will you get there?

    who is going with you?

    who's paying and how much will it cost?

    all of that may be reasons why she won't let you go.

    give some more info and i'll come up with a game plan to get her to let you go.  

  4. If it's the Miley Cyrus thing it's in Disneyland in California, Disney World is in Orlando Florida. Those tickets are going to be extremely hard to get so even if she does say yes there is a big change you sitll won't get tickets. Forget that girl.  

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