
How do I make my mom realize its not that bad?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and I've been in College full time since i was 15 I graduated High school at 16 and I work three jobs and am very independent. I told my mom last year that I wanted my monroe pierced and she said no. She told me that I wasn't allowed to get any facial piercings while I lived under her roof. Thing is that I'm moving in October and I got my monroe pierced yesterday I told her over the phone today and she seemed really pissed. What should I do? I mean its my face and I'm moving soon anyways. I'm a super responsible teenager but the thing is I'm still a teenager but I should be allowed to make my own decisions right?




  1. you should be able to make your own decisions but you should still to listen to her as you live with her, she could make your life a living h**l.

  2. ~~You are under her care until you are 18. It would have been respectful for you to wait until you were 18 for you to make that decision. Maybe you can ask your mom (after you apologize for going against her wishes) why she is against the piercing. If you understood the reason it may make sense to you. I for one would not have given my kids permission for any facial or skin piercing, or tattoos. They had to wait until they were 18. They also changed their minds on wanting them, and now they have no scarring or damage to be undone. Now they are in the business world and it's greatly frowned upon in the type of work they do, so they are glad they waited. This is why we want our kids to hold off, you just aren't out in the real world yet. I hope you two patch things up.~~

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