
How do I make my own fuel from home?

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I am doing a science project for school (8th grade), and I want to make a batch of alternative fuel for it. How do I make a batch of alternative fuel from home (I don't want to do anything fancy, like make a still, or spend a lot of money)

Thank you in advance!




  1. The easiest, cheapest and safest clean fuel to make at home is electric; from solar, or wind or water turbine, or even a hampster wheel connected to a dynamo

    electric cars are far more efficient than any infernal combustion, give much higher performance too

    see for ideas of what is possible

  2. Why not check out the world's cleanest operating car that runs on compressed air?  All you might need is a balloon to make this energy.  A big balloon will definitely get the attention of the judges.

    "   After fourteen years of research and development, Guy Negre has developed an engine that could become one of the biggest technological advances of this century. Its application to Compressed Air Technology(CAT) vehicles gives them significant economical and environmental advantages. With the incorporation of bi-energy (compressed air + fuel) the CAT Vehicles have increased their driving range to close to 2000 km with zero pollution in cities and considerably reduced pollution outside urban areas.

       The application of the MDI engine in other areas, outside the automotive sector, opens a multitude of possibilities in nautical fields, co-generation, auxiliary engines, electric generators groups, etc. Compressed air is a new viable form of power that allows the accumulation and transport of energy. MDI is very close to initiating the production of a series of engines and vehicles. The company is financed by the sale of manufacturing licenses and patents all over the world."

  3. This "homebrew" kitchen method is good for NEW vegetable oil ONLY. Try it to get your feet wet,  to see if making biodiesel is a good alternative for you.

    Here are the materials you'll need making biodiesel...

    1 liter of clean/new vegetable oil. The cheapest you can find.

    Lye (AKA "caustic soda") you are going to need a least 4 grams. You can find this at the supermarket in the cleaning section around drain cleaners. Check the contents; it should say "caustic soda" (DO NOT use Drano) For you chemical types, NaOH is the chemical compound.

    Methanol. You can find this in Auto supply stores. It usually lives in the gas line antifreeze section. For this recipe you can use HEET gas line anti-freeze, the one in the yellow bottle.

    Here's the equipment you'll need making biodiesel...

    (One) 2 liter plastic bottle. It should be clean and dry.

    A funnel that fits the bottle above

    A dry, sealed container to mix the methanol and lye. It is important that it be able to seal securely and tightly. If you were to turn this container upside-down, nothing should leak out.

    A measuring cup with metric adjustments to measure out the methanol

    Metric scales are also helpful. (To measure out 250ml of lye) or a teaspoon measure

    You could also add to this list...

    Plastic safety gloves.

    Plastic lab apron.

    Face shield and/or eye protection.

    Here's the recipe...

    Open the windows, turn on the fan. In a well ventilated area, measure 250 mL (a little more than a cup) of room temperature methanol into a one pint mason jar.

    Measure out 4g of NaOH (lye) (about half a Teaspoon) and add to the methanol in the jar s******g the lid down tightly to prevent any leaks.

    Swirl the mixture by hand until all the lye is dissolved.

    As you start mixing the temperature will increase. Don't get nervous, and don't panic. This is what is supposed to happen and may take 10 minutes or more.

    Here's what you are going to do...

    Heat 1 Liter of unused clean, vegetable oil, 60 °C/140 °F (these directions do not work for waste oil)

    Using a funnel, pour the liter of oil into a DRY 2 liter plastic container. The bottle should now be half-full. Be careful not to overheat the oil or it may melt the plastic.

    In a well ventilated area, pour the mixture of methanol/NaOH (methoxide) on top of the oil using the same funnel. Cover immediately.


    Remove funnel.

    Put the the top back on the bottle and s***w it down TIGHT. You want no liquid to be able to escape.

    Shake vigorously for about ten seconds or twenty seconds, 30 or 40 good shakes

    Put the bottle on a table and let it settle. In about 10 minutes or so, the oil will change color from a chocolate-coffee color to a rich, darker brown. Then the by-product (glycerin) will start to settle out and separate on the bottom of the bottle. You should see a clean line of separation between the two liquids. The biodiesel will be on the top.

    Within an hour, most of the glycerin (bottom layer) will be settled out. This is called separation.

    You should now have a bottle containing lighter amber-colored (or clear, if you’re lucky) biodiesel on top and a layer of darker glycerin on the bottom.

    At this stage of the making biodiesel process, the biodiesel will be very cloudy, (so don't panic) it will take a day or two more for it to clear completely. Put it in a cool, dark place and let it do it’s thing.

    Usually the glycerin layer is about the same as the amount of methanol used.

    Once the it is completely settled, open the container and using your thumb drain the biodiesel out, leaving the darker layer (glycerin) behind.

    Depending on your expertise at doing this, the mixture is technically ready to use as a fuel. What you have done is “thinned” the vegetable oil for easier intake into your diesel engine and made it more combustible for use as a fuel.

    You should also "wash" the biodiesel at this point to get any impurities out. You can get the full details at the website below.

  4. I think the ATF would frown on that.  But the site below may help you.

  5. olive oil.

  6. Hydrogen is the best alternative fuel.   There are a number of ways to make it through direct chemical reactions involving acids and metals.  Also can be done with bases and metals.  The above methods should be done in a safe manner - a small amount of aluminum with lye solution will react vigorously liberating a lot of heat and a measurable amount of hydrogen.  

    Electrolysis of water can be done cheaply - with 2' of 3/4" pvc pipe, 2 pvc tees, some epoxy, 2 nickel disks, 1 cup of 25% lye solution, and a DC power supply (3V solar panel is good, wind generator is good, but one that plugs into your wall outlet will work just fine).  WEAR PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT GOGGLES AND RUBBER GLOVES PLEASE!!!!!  Going to make a 'U' out of the pipe and nickels.   Cut the pvc pipe into (2) 10" lengths and a 4" length.  Connect the nickels to a lead wire coming off one face.  Epoxy the nickels into one end of each of the pvc tees.  Connect the tees to the 4" piece of pvc tube so that a wire lead is on either end also align the other hole in the tee so they point in the same direction to form a 'U'.   Then connect the 10" pieces to complete the 'U'.  PVC cement the connections.   Secure the electrolyzer in an upright position.  Run the leads to a DC power source that is off or unplugged.  Mix up a 25% by weight solution of lye water (distilled water should be used here).  Let is cool.  Add enough to the electrolyzer so that the liquid is about an inch above the cross connection tube.   Check for leaks.   If none then, turn on the power supply if all is connected and running properly you'll be able to hear the gas bubbles forming and see them if you look down the tube (goggles).   Hydrogen will form around the negative electrode and rise in the tube closest to it while Oxygen will form and rise at the other.   Note: the hydrogen produced will be pure but will carry some lye solution with it and the tube has air in it which will be mixed with the hydrogen produced and is away from open flames and sparks.  (see and follow link for 10 cent electrolyzer and the grid electrolyzer for photos)

    The gas would need to be cleaned up through a water bath or quick lime scrubber to remove the lye contaminants and bottled to be suitable as a fuel.

    There are a great many ways to produce hydrogen to use as a fuel.  The above method is for small quantities, science fairs and demonstrations.  

    If you really want to go cheap - take tap water in a cup, add a pinch of table salt, put rolled up aluminum foil, couple nails, or even pencil leads into the water on either side, and connect a battery.

    Thank you and I hope this is helpful!

  7. Instead of making Alcohol as an alternative fuel, make bio-diesel.  All you need are: Vegatable oil, lye (some drain cleaners are nothing but),  a blender, and some Methanol or Ethanol.  Read the site I posted in the source list, he tells you how to make 1 litre of bio-diesel.  If my book on the subject had not been...borrowed permanently, I could give you the ratios.  I do know that if you use Methanol (wood alcohol) you use 10% alcohol to oil.  If you use Ethanol, you use 20% alcohol to oil.  What I do not remember off the top of my head is how much lye you add to the alcohol.  (Just had a thought, if you are doing this at school, better use methanol, since it is not drinkable...teachers might frown on bringing booze to school!)  

    Making it is simple.  Add the lye to the alcohol.    Anyway, pour your oil into the blender, add the alcohol with lye, put the top on and mix for 20 minutes.  Let it settle for 8 hours.  What you will have is pure glycerine (used in soap and other things) on the bottom, and bio diesel on the top.  For your science project, I would make some up the night before, so that it is already settled out, so you can show the finished product, and have enough supplies on hand to do the project several times.  After you blend it, you could pour it out into a clear container so that it is visible as it settles out.

    Give it a go!

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