
How do I make my own ouija board?

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Im going camping tomarrow with my friends and we're gonna stop at this late 1940s abandoned hotel that is known to be haunted. We're gonna go talk to the dead clerks and receptionist i guess...but um I dont wanna buy my own board. Any suggestions on making own?




  1. You can make a oujia (or spirit) board by taking a piece of paper & writing out the alphabet, numbers and Yes & No and  "goodbye".  with a paper or wax paper dixie cup you can make an indicator.  Remove the bottom of a paper cup to reveal your answers ( the smaller paper dixie cups work best, depends on how big your paper is.

    It is important to realize that using a spirit board is opening a vortex to a parallel dimension, and you should ground & center and bring up your psychic shields before you practice.

  2. The ouija board is just a game, so it is no problem to make one.  Here are a couple of links that tell how.

  3. Ha ha, my best friend and I just played the ouija board a few nights ago...we talked to our spirit guides (or, in other words, our guardian angels) and it was actually very fun.

    To make your own ouija board, you could just get a big piece of paper...not your regular 8.5x11 piece but a bit larger..large enough to put the words "Yes", "No", and "Good bye", all of the letters of the alphabet, and the numbers 0 through 9 on it. Then get a see-through cup or glass and you should be good to go!

    Just remember to pray and ask your spirit guides to come forward and protect you from any evil entities that may be lurking around in the building before you start playing the REALLY do not want to run across any of those evil beings. This can be a very dangerous game if you do not do these things, and can open portals and it can be very hard to get rid of the spirits that come through the portals while playing. ALWAYS remember to move the planchett to "good bye" before putting the game up.

    You might want to read up a little more on the importances of different happenings while playing with the ouija and read up on some tips. I found a very good site last night that listed some GREAT tips...:

    Just go there and read all of them if you can, or just a few if you don't want to read all of it. These will really help you out.

    Have fun!

    -♥- Teetoe

  4. that sh*t dont work anyways... make or not just go and get drunk and have fun sein sh*t

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