
How do I make my picture like this?

by  |  earlier

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thats the effect ^

how would i do that using photoshop?




  1. idk on photo shop but


    u add a layer and pick a color and change the normal to overlay

  2. 1. Start with a color photo

    2. Go to Image, Adjustments, Black and White, click OK

    3. Go to Image, Adjustments, Photo Filter, then choose the color, (make sure your density is set at 100%)

    4. Repeat several times with different colors, resize if necessary, and paste together

  3. There are a number of different ways but maybe the easiest is to use the channel mixer adjustments found in the adjustment palette play around with the different sliders until you get the effect you want.

    (Try converting to monochrome first)

  4. pop art

    on photobucket

  5. Duplicate your original file so you have a backup of the original.

    Open the copy in PS.

    Make sure it's RGB in Image > Mode > RGB Color

    The image should be a background layer, so duplicate it to make it its own layer (should have 2 layers now).

    Select the copy layer and desaturate the picture to make it grey scale under Image > Adjustments > Desaturate.

    Crop and resize the picture the size you want.

    Increase the canvas size to 3 times the length and twice the height of the image under Image > Canvas size. Now you'll have a bunch of white space around the picture.

    Select the layer the image is on and duplicate it 5 times (should have 6 different layers of the same image now).  Arrange the different images like in the layout in the picture.

    Select one of the layers, go to Blending Options (rick-click on layer).  Go to Color Overlay, select the color you want, then select Color or Hue in the Blend Mode drop-down.  You can change the opacity as well.

    Do this with each separate layer, selecting the color you want that image to be.

    Looks like there's some blur to the picture as well.  You can do that under Filter.

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