
How do I make my punches stronger?

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Do I just keep practicing punching and throwing combinations or do I do high reps with low weight to improve my shoulders, forearms, biceps, I guess triceps and possibly leg quickness?




  1. remember you have to have strong legs too.

    do a lot of push ups when u throw your punches throw them all the way out turn your hip and shoulders together with ur foot.

    you drills

    hit the bad with power punches for 30 seconds then go back to normal punching for another 30 this way you can give it a lil break do that a couple of times and you will notice a difference

  2. try some spinach. It worked for popye maybe it'llwork for you.

  3. a lot of punching power comes from your legs and butt.

    and you dont have to be the strongest guy to punch hard as h**l. there is technique to punching correctly.

    aim a few inches past the target. dont make a tight fist until right before impact. snap the punch. you can even twist your hand a little on impact to break skin ( or your wrist if you do it wrong )

    you can hang a piece of carpet, half a phone book or something like that in front a brick wall and punch it for a hour each day. kill all the nerves in your hand and they'll be tough like rocks that dont feel pain

    good luck with that young grasshopper..............

  4. Buy a good quality heavy bag and practice throwing your punches on it for 30 minutes daily. You'll see results. Your punches will eventually become faster and harder. But actually your punching power has a lot to do with the twisting motion of your core and your leg muscles. Shoulders help too but its your own natural turn of your body that packs a solid punch. A jab doesn't involve that much body torque or twisting however it still involves a slight turn of your shoulder. Punches such as a straight right or hooks involve pivoting and twisting to give maximum power to your target. The more you turn your body when you throw a punch, the stronger it will be and the harder it will hit your opponent or target.

  5. I take it your a boxer...yes?

    Im a boxer myself.I started when I was 13 years old and Im now 18.I've won 9 competitions alltogether,4 majors...and Im well Known for my powerfull punches!Im the current middleweight champion in my region and I have a record of 63 fights,55 wins and 8 losses.I've defended my title 8 times so title defense in 3 weeks.

    The reason I have powerful punches is because I train very,very,very hard and do weight lifting.I train 2 and a half hours a day on my heavy bag,15 minutes on speedbag,do good cardio and run 3 miles a day.I train with my coach 3 days a week.

    Just stick to weightlifting and alot of heavybag and speedbag training and soon you'll be like Muhammad Ali...The Worlds Greatest.

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