
How do I make my puppy walk like a normal dog on the leash!?

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I have a 6 month old cockapoo. When take her for walks, she wants to smell everything, greet everyone and bites the leash, thus making me impossible to walk her.

She basically pulls me, and she looks like a Jackrabbit when I take her on walks!!!

So any training tips, suggestions, ideas to help me??





  1. First of all, get a choker chain to use when you go on walks. Make sure that it is placed just under the head, and not at the base of the neck, where normal collars tend to fall.

    Every time she starts to walk ahead of you, give a corrective little side tug on the collar.  It doesn't have to be a hard jerk, unless she really ignores it, but just enough to get her attention.  She will want to smell things while you walk, but don't let her. She has to walk beside you.

    About biting the leash, well, the choker collar will make her straighten out and she won't be able to bite the leash, because it will be above her, and not beside her.  The leash doesn't have to be held tight the whole time.  Just relax and enjoy the walk.  But make sure that there is enough tension to keep the collar where it is supposed to be, and don't fail to give those corrective jerks if she starts to walk in front of you or smell something without your permission.  

  2. Go to obediance school or have a trainer do a house visit and they can help you, set you and the dog goals etc.

  3. Shes just being a puppy lol but if she does something wrong when walking her maybe you could gently pull her back next to you she might learn not to go too fast.


  4. Buy a harness that goes around her head, it doesn't harm them in any way, its for dogs just like your cockapoo, when they pull their head will pull back and its just great. It worked for every dog owner i know. Good Luck!!

  5. My cockapoo pepper is the same age as yours, and we have taken obedience training so I might be able to help you with this.  I am looking in my training guide and this is what it says about walking on a loose leash...

    1.  With your puppy on the leash, hold a treat down low, horizontal to your puppy's head, about 6" in front of her.  Say "let's go" and begin walking slowly, one step at a time.

    2.  If your puppy walks forward to the treat, immediately give it to her when she reaches it.  Continue doing this, taking one step at a time.  Your puppy should follow you since you are holding her treat.

    3.  Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the first few days until your puppy follows quite easily.  We are playing "follow the leader" and the idea is to have your puppy follow you, no matter where you go.

    4.  Gradually add turns to your lesson so your puppy learns to follow you as you change directions.

    5.  Use your voice as a motivator.  Use the treat and your voice to encourage your puppy to follow you.  Pat your leg if necessary.  If something isn't working, try something else.  If the puppy loses interest in the treat you started with, change treats.

    6.  Be sure to end the session on a positive note. Play with your puppy for a short time once you have finished the lesson.  This helps your puppy enjoy training.

    Then it goes on to say to keep your training sessions short because they have a short attention span.  It also says to be patient.

    If you try that and it doesn't work, there is a product called a "Gentle Leader" that you can buy at a Petco or a Petsmart.  It is a special head collar made to keep your dog from pulling on the leash when they are being trained to walk.  They have them from xtra small to xtra large and cost about $25.00.

    I would love to see a picture of your cockapoo.  Pepper's pictures are posted in the yahoo cockapoo group photo album under Private First Class Pepper Brooks.

  6. You just need to work with your puppy. Enroll yourself and her in an obedience class and they will give you exercises to work with her on. Also if you should decide not to enroll her then you can buy a book or search on the internet for leash training a puppy.  Here is a site to help get you started.

    8 Tips For How To Leash Train a Puppy

    By Alex Page

    A well-behaved puppy becomes a well-behaved dog. One of the most basic, but most important, puppy training techniques is leash training. When your puppy grows up and can walk on a leash without pulling your arm out of socket, you’ll be glad you trained your puppy at a young age.

    Here are some helpful tips to teach your puppy how to walk on a leash without pulling or tugging:

    Find a comfortable collar or training harness. Do not choose a collar or harness that is too tight or too loose.

    Let your puppy wear the collar or harness around the house until he gets used to it. This may take a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days. But eventually, he will get used to it.

    Hook the leash up to your puppy and let him get used to it also. If he doesn’t seem to be bothered with the leash, he’s ready to go outside to be trained. If he’s afraid of it, try to comfort him, but keep the leash hooked up until he knows the leash is not a bad thing.

    When leash training your puppy, your goal is to keep slack in the leash. If your puppy keeps the leash tight by pulling and tugging, then he’s not properly trained yet.

    The easiest technique is to just start walking. If you puppy starts to tug or pull on the leash, give it a quick little tug, then turn and walk in a different direction.

    When you start to head in the opposite direction, don’t drag him along. Wait for him to catch up. As long as the leash is not tight (the leash is slack) then you can keep walking.

    As soon as the puppy starts to tug or pull at the leash again, give the leash a quick little jerk and turn around again.

    Repeat this process until your puppy understands that he is not taking you for a walk, but you are taking him for a walk.

    Puppies and dogs love going for walks, and should be exercised frequently. Walking a dog who is constantly pulling you along is no fun. If you follow these simple tips when your puppy is still young, you and your dog will have countless enjoyable walks for years to come.

  7. get a harness and eventually shell get better. shes a puppy. she has lots of energy and she needs to know everything around her.

  8. if i were you i would get a retractable leash and spray her with a spray boodle

  9. Had the same problem with my dog.

    Every time she bites at the leash just give it a quick tug to make her stop

    Same with the greeting everyone, just yank her leash to make her stop

    & when she starts to pull you just choke up on the leash, grip it hard & pull at it when she starts to pull. As for the smelling everything, we still haven't gotten over that problem. my dog just HAS to pee on every tree & pole in the park! But by yanking the lease every time he did something we didn't want him to, he learned after about a month what he can & cant do

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