
How do I make my spanish rice firmer?

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I have a recipe for Spanish rice that I make often. I love the flavor and it is very good but it never seems to be as firm as rice that I get at Mexican food restaurants. Mine always turns out kinda mushy. So, how do I get it firmer?




  1. Mushy means more moisture than you want.

    I agree with less water, or maybe draining the rice longer before mixing in the other ingredients, depending on your recipe. There's always a tricky point between cooking away all the liquid and burning it to the bottom of the pan.

    Cooking the rice in a little oil as the other person suggested may be good, too, but I don't know how that effects the amount of water it will absorb. For pilaf, I like to saute onions and then add the rice and give it a minute to get thoroughly coated before adding the liquid.

    Maybe a combination of both suggestions?

    And just to sound like I'm kissing up to everyone... I LOVE basmati rice. My absolute favorite.

  2. cook it with a little less liquid than you normally would.. thats what I do and it works for me :)

  3. Fry the rice in oil, first.  Heat a pan and add a little vegetable oil.  Fry the rice until it is golden brown and then cook as normal.  This is the way that Mexican restaurants do it.

  4. start with a good rice...Basmati or any good quality long grain rice...

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