
How do I make my weed smell better?

by Guest31743  |  earlier

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I just wanna know cuz I found an old bag of weed. Can I put anything in the bag or something to increase the potency and /or look of the buds?





  1. Try tossing an a piece of an orange, lime or lemon peel in the bag and zip it up tight. I don't know if that will help it regain some moisture but I know it works to keep things moist. It's worth a try!

  2. You can't do anything to improve it after you've let it sit out for a long period of time. Maybe if you had juuuuust picked them I could tell you that you can hang the buds upside down and get a little more THC out of the stems. Smoke it!! dont let  it sit around.

    someone go answer my question about what to name my "water pipe". Yahoo deleted my question cuz i called it by its real name that rhymes with long, or perhaps wrong. lol

  3. Dude, just make a spliff (mix your weed with tobacco from a cigarette or cigar and roll it in a joint). It won't improve the potency but will taste and smell a lot better

  4. Dry out a lemon peel for a little bit, so it is only slightly moist, and throw it in a jar with the buds.

    The acid's gases will bind to the oils on the weed and make it smell really cool.

    It works with pineapple too.

  5. If you put a small piece of lettuce, about 1/2 of one leaf in it and let it sit for a few hours, it will at least re-hydrate it so that it doesn't totally burn up fast when you go to smoke it.

    It won't make it taste funny, either.

  6. How about you throw it away and do something constructive with your life! Grow up! You have to know that's not good for you, it makes you counter-productive in life!

  7. roll it up with some salvia

  8. Refrigerate it or keep it in a cool, dry place.

  9. About all you can do with that friend, would be

    put him out of his misery by firing up the bong

    and letting loose.

  10. it doesn't matter how your wee smells!

    just flush!!!

  11. Put in it a box of a flavored of tobacco you like. Light incense or candles after lighting up so you don't smell like it if you don't like the smell.

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