
How do I make myself Look High without smoking?

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i like to look irie.




  1. Guest44764


     bruh roll a blunt


  2. stop being dicks ? for whatever reason this person wants to look high so instead of chirping just answer the question a******s.

    Make your eyes look bloodshot by rubbing them or putting soap in them. just loook and act chill and dont concentrate on anything

  3. stop being dicks ? for whatever reason this person wants to look high so instead of chirping just answer the question a******s.

    Make your eyes look bloodshot by rubbing them or putting soap in them. just loook and act chill and dont concentrate on anything

  4. stop being dicks ? for whatever reason this person wants to look high so instead of chirping just answer the question a******s.

    Make your eyes look bloodshot by rubbing them or putting soap in them. just loook and act chill and dont concentrate on anything

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Latest activity: 9 years, 4 month(s) ago.
This question has 4 answers.


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