
How do I make myself healthy?

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Today I have definetly overeaten. I have had

-1 1/2 weetbix with 100ml milk

-1 Small Cookie

-1/2 a Ham & lettuce sandwich in wholemeal bread

-Icing Bun

-15 cashews/maccadamian nuts

-15 Chicken Shapes Cracker biscuits

-1 Oreo Wafer Bar

-1/2 a weetbix

-A Small Tub of Chicken 2 minute Noodles

-6 pieces of Pineapple

-One Heaven Icecream on a stick

-One Banana

I realise this is WAAAAY too much and I feel really guilty. Is there any way I can make myself reasonably healthy before I go to sleep tonight? Im doing a long run tomorrow morning so I cant do any exercise. Should I drink lots of water?




  1. eat right excersixe

  2. I used to eat poorly and never work out. I hated my body. 3 months ago I started walking around my neighborhood 2 miles at night. I started feeling good and got a Y membership. Now I run on the elyptical every day and my body started getting toned and i have more energy. I wanted to lose weight though. So I started drinking only water and lots of it and I only buy healthy food. Whole grains fruits veggies, i dont buy cookies cuz if i do i will eat them. I eat chicken cheese peanut butter, carrots celery, crackers, blueberries, apples, grapes, etc. I can already notice a huge change in my body and energy level. GOOD LUCK! Its worth it to skip the junk food just dont keep it around the house.

  3. eat lots of fruits and veggies and drink lots of water.

  4. this is a very helpful blog,

  5. theres not much you can do unless you take some laxatives or something

  6. Hi,

    Being healthy means not eating less, but eating the right foods. Stay away form the SUGARS.  Perhaps you have a fast metabolism and that means you need to eat more. I  If you are going to go for a run in the morning perhaps you may do Ok....all those carbs you eat will help but on the long run if you want to run faster and be healthier you may want to try this:

    1. No SUGAR

    2. Take an Antioxidant Supplement

    2. Take an Omega 3 Supplement

    3. Take Vitamins and Minerals

    4. Exercise until you are sweating constantly for at least 10 minutes.

    Good luck and happy life!!

  7. You should think about your calories though. In my opinion yes you ate a lot of different foods. But most of it is healthy. As long as you eat little portions that's alright actually. I would just minus the Ice cream and oreo's and stuff like that.

    But I would just try 3 small meals a day and a snack. Like a banana :] Just tell yourself I gotta eat small and keep yourself busy so you dont think about food. Water is great! Very healthy .  

  8. I understand how you feel. The best answer I can give you about you eating too much would be, the next time you go to the store, think about your lifestyle and how you want to change it. Abide by the food Pyramaid rules and the serving sizes in it. Purchase your healthy foods, and your fruits and vegetables. You can always have the weekends for some sweet treats. Water is also very good for you especially if your going for a long run tomorrow. Take my word. I run crosscountry and I know about eating healthy because im a model

  9. drinking water is good but make sure your dont starve yourself either. Even though you ate all that food your going to be hungry throughout the day. Have fruit or a 100 calorie pack. and only eat when your hungry. Sometimes people eat when their bored or have the taste for something and its really not good. If your bored read a book or do something you enjoy if you have a taste take a piece of gum and that might curve your craving. Good Luck!!

  10. yeah just drink alot of water. and wow, your really good at recording everthing you eat- a little obbsessive actually...... lol  

  11. It is good you are actually able to write it down, actually See how much you are/have eaten.

    Do you work -out least 3x a wk, in order to burn off at least 1/2 calories, must do cardie, to burn it off.

    It does take alot of mental effort to stop eating bad already know what you shouldn't eat, matter of cutting them out. It will take mental life-style change , eat , burn it off. You can still snack, but make healthy choices, not those-example ones you ate.It took me 10 years to eat , what I eat now, which is 5-6 small meals a day, I eat every 2-3 hrs a my stomach never empty..Keep in mind I do allow myself to be "Bad" on weekends, withing reason...but don't overindulge.good luck.!!!


  12. It's all about having well-balanced meals and exercising daily. Eat three or four light meals that are fairly healthy, like a small portion of chicken with a salad on the side. For exercise, you may want to stretch for fifteen minutes and jog for forty-five minutes. With a good diet and exercise plan, you can be healthy.  

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