
How do I make myself look prettier?i'll give every 1 that answers a thumbs up!(read more)!?

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i'm 5"5" and 120 lbs...I have brown hair with blond highlights,And side swept bangs ,I have brown eyes.does any 1 know how to make me look makeup, hair,body etc.




  1. As the father of two girls, I can tell you that a positive attitude will make you prettier.

  2. sounds cute i dont think u need to change

  3. try to where some cover up stuf like to make the shine on your face go away and then either try a brown or a blue eye liner and a dark brown mascara

  4. You actually sound liek ur prettly i have the same hair color. If u could post a picture it will be easier to answer the question :)

  5. Eyeliner, Mascara, little bit a blush, and some light pink lip gloss'll do ya good..... and do a varaity with your hair.... good luck ;)

  6. How old are you?try wearing eyeliner and stuff maybe that can help also maybe some mineral powder i have one from revlon and it makes my face just glow and i love it lol also maybe masraca and eyeshadow and blush?? lol

  7. change up your style!!!! go to Hollister or AE and get new clothes!!!

  8. you should wear black eyeliner and mascara.and maybe a pinkish eyeshadow. and some foundation but that's like only if you have pimples and or a sun burn.

  9. I've recently grown my bangs out and sweep them to the side and I've noticed to give myself a more attractive look by wearing the back up loosely and letting a little side hairs fall.  Gives a real soft sweet look.

  10. you sound really pretty!! just be yourself, and happy! like 60% of pretty is confidence when you walk into a room... with make up and stuff, I don't have a pic so I don't know your skin tone etc... but just practice doing make up, and with your brown hair I would go with browns and pinks for makeup, the look good on everyone, but you could really own them!

  11. you sound pretty! it would be easier for ppl to give you advice, if you posted a picture, then people could tell you what colors your skin looks good with... etc.

  12. um..i cant really tell, if there isnt a picture.

    but by the decription i would say, put some eyeliner on your water lines.

    then add some brighter eyeshadow, like maybe blue eyeshadow.

    it might make your eyes look weird, if it does, go for like a gray or black.

    hope i helped for that question


  13. Actually you sound really pretty, but self-conscious. If i were u i would go to clinique in macys and tell one of the employers there that you never wear make up and you need them to show you something that can be casual, yet pretty and s**y. You got nothing to loose, and duh! its free.

  14. you already sound pretty to me and sounds like you were describing your avatar. anyway, for an eyeliner, try brown on top and bottom lids. black is very common, but i think that brown would look great on you. the same goes for mascara. go over it 4-5 times slowly, but make sure that it looks good not caked on. and for you blush a light creams shade of pink. the same applies for your lip gloss. you can choose between glittery lip shimmer or a pink lip plumper. also if you want to turn thing all the way around, try getting some tight curls. it would look great and would also bring out the beauty of your highlights. good luck

    EDIT, EDIT also if you are one of those who can get a tan, i would recommend a bronzer too. as a very very light base makeup. just a tad bit, to give you a glow. also apply to neck.

  15. you sound like you are a very attractive girl if you post a pic you will get more response

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