
How do I make myself more popular at school?

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I'm in grade 9 and I want to make myself more popular, well I know its not everything but at this is age it. I just want to be less SHY.

I mean, I'm not a total loser and I'm not totally popular. I don't WANT to be TOTALLY popular its just at school when around a lot of popular people I seem to just SHUT UP. Like I don't talk, I look like a total loser!

I want to be able to talk to them and be social and not just use one word answers and just laugh and not respond!

Like I wanna be one of the talkative ones you know?

Please, ANY advice would be GREATLY appreciated =)




  1. I have the same problem, but I recently got a few tips that have been helping me.

    When you go into your class, make a concious choice about where you sit. Pick a seat next to someone that looks friendly, or someone you think you might like or have something in common with.

    Then, start to smile more. People will think you're friendly, and interested in getting to know them and talking to them. Because trust

    me, (I know from experience) if you go into your class, and you sit down and keep to yourself, those girls that you really want to know are going to think that you don't want to get to know them.

    The next step is just to say hi. You don't have to launch into a huge conversation with whoever you sit beside in class, just smile and say hi. People won't see that as weird at all, trust me. And almost 100% of the time, they will say hi back to you, and might ask your name. Also, just practice saying hi to someone who your locker is beside.

    Once you get more comfortable with all this, you can start asking questions. For example, say you go into your class and you pick someone to sit beside. Then, you can "accidentally" forget your pencil, and ask to borrow one. Or, you can say something like "have you had this teacher before", "what do you think of this class so far".

    Complementing people always works, too. If you say hi to someone you might want to get to know, say something like "i love your shoes" and you can follow up with "where did you find those?" That's an easy way make small talk with someone you don't know. Also, everyone loves getting compliments, especially girls! And it won't be seen as weird either.

    I'm still working on all of this, and if i can be totally honest, its not easy. And it definetly doesn't happen overnight! But don't stress. Each morning, just set some small goals for yourself for the day. For example, tomorrow, you can try to say hi to 2 new people, or ask someone a simple question. The next day, you can try smiling at people more, or compliment someone. Just build it up gradually, and you will get more comfortable with it.

    As a final note, i  thought i should add that body language is really important too, so you can seem more approachable. Sitting with your arms crossed isn't good, because it makes you seem like your blocking people out and don't want to socialize. Just keep that in mind! Also, just believe in yourself. Start to focus on the positive about yourself. And, in any room you walk into, walk like you're feeling confident, even if you're not. People will see that, and soon enough you will feel confident all the time.

    Good luck with the new school year! I hope this helped :)

  2. Hey i totally know wat u r talking about. I'mm a senior and when im around my boyfriends sister and her popular friends i feel the same way. for me i just get involved and im super nice, its still weird but when u really get in the conversation they notice and usually they like it, unless they r complete b*****s. all i can say is for the school wide popularity just help every one, talk to everyone, and make sure ur funny, most of my friends are my friends because im funny. and if u r in n e extra curricular activities like band, get involved with those ppl, they will be super nice b cuz they know ur scared and stuff. hope that helps!!!

  3. start conversation or something  

  4. yahhh u r in da wrong section bobo

    and be ur self

  5. when you see people from your classes in the hall way say hi to them, this would help you be more open to people and when you feel liek saying something JUST SAY IT (unless its something bad)

  6. Why don't u learn some martial arts? it helps you to be less shy.

    also, learn some jokes and talk with friends at the school and school bus.

    In addition, study hard.

    if you get great grades, your classmates will not think you are losser, but smart studetn.

  7. wear a short skirt

  8. be yourself and help others

  9. Well try to be friends with everyone talk to as many people as you can. BE yourself dont change for anyone unless you dont like yourself. But try to join a club that you like. invite people over at your house. The number one thing to do is be nice and talk to everyone!!!!!!

  10. i was exactly the same way when i was a freshman i was around alot of people and i would just  sit there and listen to evryone else talk but ever since i got into 11th grade i started to talk more and be more outgoing i mean i was outgoing but not like a big deal u know....

    all i did was just talk mingle more just get passed it i think the only reason you are shy is because your probably freaked about what people will say about you like if you say something wrong dont worry nobodys perfect lol

    just MINGLE!!!!!

    hope i helped:))

  11. Start talking to more people. Join a club.  

  12. i hate when people ask this question.

    Hoestly be yourself. you don't want people to like you for

    who your not.

    seriously the best way is to be yourself.

    you can also join in sports

    be very active. join clubs.

    (not geeky ones)




  13. Yeah join a club and get to know new people, i used to be real shy at school but your more then likely grow outta it

    Just have fun at school and dont try to over impress people just be yourself, you are who you are......and it is true that most of the popular kids burn out after high school

    x x x

  14. I know i am in the same place as you. I am not popular but i am not a nerd either.

    I do the same thing when popular people are talking I sit there quietly and laugh a little. I think your just nervous. Maybe you don't want them to judge you. Cuz a lot of popular ppl judge other ppl.

    I am not really sure why we get all quiet when popular ppl start talkin its a good question to ask cuz many ppl have that problem.  

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