
How do I make myself shut up?

by  |  earlier

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I appreciate the answers from those who have suggested that I continue to talk about things, but the goal here is to stop me from talking. I've let myself fall for the "it's ok to talk" argument way too many times.

I'm looking for suggestions that don't require too much willpower...

Unlike: taping my fingers together so I can't type, putting a gag in my mouth so I can't talk, chopping my hands/head off, remaining unconscious etc. These would be helpful only if I had the willpower to do them.




  1. all british people are annoying, it isnt your fault.

  2. A friend of mine told me she always bites her tongue whenever she has a  rude comment to say or is talking to much.

    I asked her how she always is so calm and never says stupid things or rambles on and she told me you just have to either take a deep breath, count to 10, or if all else fails bite down on your tongue and distract yourself with that.

    If i'm really annoyed or want to rant I just type it out on one of the free journal sites you can go to on the internet. I type faster than I write so it's good for me and then I can say whatever I want or talk about whatever stupid thing I want to and no one can see or make judgements.

    Try, it's free and easy and you can make your entries private so no one can see them.

  3. the first thing is, if you need someone to talk to, those support forums and free help lines shouldn't even be turning you away.

    are you needing someone to talk to because you're depressed? or just someone that will listen to you?

    if its the first one, then there are SEVERAL free help lines out there that you can talk to.

    (1-800-suicide is one)

    if its the second, then i suggest that you let other people talk for a while and listen to them, and then in turn, they will listen to you.

    listening shows you care about them too

  4. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you your just stressing,  I myself am really annoying but I enjoy it and I often p**s people off.  

    Just be you and do what you do.  Don't always be blaming yourself for the bad things that happen in life.

  5. Well the best way to start work on yourself and your personality when talking to people is to start off small, try talking to a few friends. A person says what is in their heart and the way they feel is based on the how you think of yourself

    You first have to change the way you think about yourself, try not to be so negative, if you change how you think of yourself you will begin to see a difference in the way you act and speak.

    Just incase you wanna talk to someone a little more about this, you can write me, i'd be glad to help

    You may think of yourself as rubbish but god sees you as an amazing person

  6. find people who want to hear you talk im sure there has to be someone.

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