
How do I make peace with a good friend's anger at me?

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"My good friend is upset with me and I'm not entirely sure I did anything really wrong. She has been "upset with me" since Saturday. It is now Monday. How can I get her not mad at me anymore? I have had this friendship for about 8 years now and we have been very close. I would hate to lose her as a close friend and I don't think I could deal with it if she wanted to sever ties.




  1. I think you should just sit him/her down and have a nice long chat. Maybe go out for coffee or grab a bite to eat together. Then ask him/her what's wrong, without getting upset yourself. I'm sure that your friendship is strong enough to last through anything. Good luck!! :)

  2. I have a friend that I have had over 15 years... she gets moody and mad at me for the most stupid things. friends like that are something you can't just stress over. get new friends cuz she'll drive ya crazy if you give her half the chance... i swear some people these days are just looney.

  3. I would try to ask her and see what she thinks is up, be sure to sound really sorry and everything even if it is just a little silly thing, it could mean alot to her. I hope it gets fixed, for a friendship to end over  a simple fight would be just silly.  

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