
How do I make people believe in me?

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I am about to embark on a life changing experience, and my family is being very unsupportive. I keep being told that I'm to naive, to fragile, to dumb to do things that I really want to do. They have always seen me as a naive little girl, and are holding this against me now because I have not done many things on my own before. I want nothing more than for them to encourage me and have faith in me. I have even fought with my siblings because of this. It is starting to make me very nervous and wearing down my already thin self-esteem. I'm starting to believe them and question my own abilities. How can I change their minds and make them believe I can do what I want to do without having them worry?

thank you

Any ideas?




  1. Try doing a lot of things independently from your parents and start proving yourself like things that get you out in the world and show that you have experience doing things

  2. Just keep believing in yourself and try to exude as much confidence as you can, even when you don't feel it inside. Force yourself to repeat positive messages to yourself.

    Actions speak louder than words, so you will just have to go along and do your best and eventually people will see your abilities. Remember,nothing in life is perfect, so plan as much as you can,have a plan A, B and C, but also expect little problems along the way and just keep doing your best, because that is all anyone can do in life, is do their best and try to find ways to deal with whatever life throws at them.  

  3. tell them your going to do sumthing if they dought you try as hard as you can in do it or challege them at sumtin you are good at

  4. it would help to be more specific on the things they won't let you do. but if you want them to believe in you and what you can do you have to prove that you can do it.  

  5. confidence! people know when someone has confidence. and by having it you can prove to them that this isn't just a phase your going through and you really want this.

    you have to really set your mind to in and try to go for it.

    if they keep with the negativity then for sure youll prove them wrong in the end.

    good luck!

  6. Listen.. it sounds as if you are about to get a plastic surgery am i right?

    The only way to prove your family wrong is by allowing the self-testing incident (whatever is going to happen) to take place, and you handle it the way you predicted, as you told them you would handle yourself. You know what? In order to make people believe in you, you have to believe in yourself at first, trust me on that one.

    I wish you the best of luck and don't worry, you sound mature enough to handle difficult life situtions.


    p.s. i'd like to mention also that there is NOTHING wrong with you, mentally nor physically, despite what that a$$ hole guy said with his silly link.

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