
How do I make someone a Moderator and how do I undo that if it doesn't work out.?

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How do I make someone a Moderator and how do I undo that if it doesn't work out.?




  1. How do I make someone a moderator of my group?

    From the list on the left, click Members and locate the member on the Members page.

    Click Edit Membership.

    A little way down, click Change to Moderator.

    Click on the Make Moderator button to confirm.

    (follow same above steps to make back to member)

    How do I set moderator privileges?

  2. If you're the owner of a Group and you want to appoint a moderator, then log in to your Group on the web.  Then click the Members link on the left-hand side of the page.  Then, in the list of members, find the member who you want to promote to moderator.  Click the Edit Membership link (pencil icon) just below that member's login name.  Then click the Change To Moderator link down in the Membership Privileges section.  Then, down in the Moderator Privileges section, check the check-box for each of the privileges you want to give this moderator (it's common to give a moderator all the privileges in the left-hand column, but be very picky about those in the right-hand column).  Don't forget to click the Make Moderator button (towards the lower-right-hand corner) when you're done.

    I've never had to try it before, but the last paragraph of my Source link here says that later on, if this moderator doesn't work out, you can demote him/her back to ordinary member by clicking on the Members link on the left-hand side of your Group's web page to again access the member list, then clicking on the Moderators link/tab towards the upper-left-hand corner, then clicking the Edit Membership link (pencil icon) just below that moderator's login name, then clicking the Remove Moderator link down in the Moderator Privileges section.

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