
How do I make sure my duck egg isnt too warm?

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I have my duck egg in a tiny bowl, with tissue around it. I have a lamp thats about 3 inches away from it. when I feel the egg, it feels warmish hot. How do I know if it's being kept the right temperture? Thanks!




  1. You need to have an incubator! You just can't put an egg in a bowl and expect it to hatch. It will die without proper humidity and temperature.

  2. Why is it in a bowl? You need to make an incubator. All you need is a few pieces of wood or a cardboad box. it should not be open at all, except for a small hole in the top th light goes through. You also have to turn it twice a day and keep the humidity high.

    To know the temp, go to the pet store and look for a reptile tank thermometer. The temp should be about 99 degrees.

  3. if u hold it up to the lite and if it runy it diad

  4. Well first you can put a small thermometer right ontop of the egg for 2-3 minutes. Then read the temp. If you have the temp right it will read 99-100'F. If not it will read something completly diffrent.

    Then, you need to put a small sponge near the egg b/c duck eggs nead moisture to hatch.

    But make sure that you dont put the sponge on or touching the egg.

    Second, you will need to turn the duck egg three times a day for 25 days.

    Then on the 25 day you need to stop turning the egg.

    Then if you did everything right, and the embryo is still alive then it will hatch on the 28 day.

    If you have anymore questions feel free to email me.

  5. Have you tried sitting on it?? Or getting a duck and letting her sit on it? :p

  6. some people dont know what they are talking about. some of us do not have the suplies to make incubators, but whatev. you should have it in a heat lamp in the right tempatures. it should be  warm enough that it isnt the same tempature as your body. if it is warmed up enough, it should feel less than hot, and medium. if you found it with the mother duck astray from the nest, which it sounds like from how  it is in a bowl, it should not be in direct sunlight. i suggest not  covering the egg and slightly heatig it. ive heard someone say that you should heat it on the oven, but i would rather have it on a moist cloth, in somthing that traps heat.  the cloth should be about 99 degries F. it  can't cook the duck or egg, it can soften the shell.

    btw, ppl u dont need to post just to ask what ppl r talkin about. thats spam. "wut du hek r u talkin aboaut"s are not answers andyahoo answers is the name of what site we are at.

    i  do hav mai s0urce$, btw. but i forgot em.

  7. Use a thermometer, its meant to be 37C.  But this is an exact art, it might not work!  

    How long have you been trying this?  It might be worth candelling it just to see if your efforts are in vain.  Use a dark room, hold the egg up to a very bright torch and see what you can see.  If the egg is empty then there isn't anything in there.  If there are little veins or a red blob in the middle you have hope.

    If - by some bizaare chance - this egg hatches, do you not think it would be kind of cruel to have one little duckling with no mother or siblings?  They'd get awfully lonely.  And can you look after a newborn duckling?

  8. Its unlikely that your method will hatch the egg. If you want to still try I'd suggest getting a thermometer and making sure the temperature is between 37-39 degrees. The other thing an egg needs to hatch is humidity. Placing the egg in a box with a bowl of water helps. It should be 60-65% for the first 25days and 70-75% for the last 3. I made an incubator which was pretty successful and quite easy. I got some polystyrene & masking tape and made a box with a lid, fixed a bulb in one end and a thermometer in the top with the bottom next to the egg. Eventually I wired up a thermostat to make sure the temperature remained constant. Then I bought a 12 egg incubator for £40 on ebay and now I have two fully automatic 50 egg incubars at £140 each. Have a look at this one

    Its the cheapest sort you can buy.

    Good luck!

  9. What the heck are you doing over there?

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