
How do I make sure my new adapter will work for Windows Vista?

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I bought a new adapter on ebay for my pc so that I can connect my playstation controller to it. It hasn't gotten here yet but the seller says that it works on Windows 98, 2000, and XP but I run Vista. Is it going to work? Will it be simple to get drivers to make it work? Help me! I bought my computer recently and I've learned a lot but I'm still not a pro. Thanks.




  1. Check on the manufacturer's (of the adapter) website and find out if there is a Vista driver for it.

    You might want to see if there is a user forum there as well.

  2. wray_shawn-

    Hi, my name is Cody, and I’m working with the Windows Vista Outreach Team to help answer questions that folks might have about Vista.  If you want to see if your new adapter will be compatible with Vista, a good place for you to start might be by looking at Microsoft's new Windows Vista Compatibility Center, which you can find at  

    You can do a comprehensive search there to make sure that your new Playstation adapter is compatible with Vista.   If this site says that your adapter should be compatible but it still doesn’t work, then Kryten is right—the best place to check would be with the device’s manufacturer to see if they’ve released any new drivers or software.  Hopefully this will help make the process easier!  Let me know if you have any other questions!



    Windows Vista Outreach Team  

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