
How do I make sure that winning state voleyball is the focus this season?

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Our coaches have the policy that they keep all seniors even the ones that shouldn't be on the team. Lots of them are there for the uniform, I'm there to take state and I feel that the other girls don't care.




  1. Well  work hard. And be a leader. Talk to the girls about what they are there for. Get them pumped and ready to play. try not to be bossy but when you are warming up you can say things like focous girls, ready position. Etc

    Also try talking to your coach about how you feel

  2. ask them yourself.

    are team has serious locker room talks when some teammates have dissagreements with one another. It fixes it everytime just sit down and get iot off your chest that you feel everyone is not on board you may find out some things you had no idea were going on.

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