
How do I make sure these things will be taken care of after I die?

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I'm a 23 year old US resident w/o a driver's license and I want that after my death, my organs will be donated to people who need them. However, I want to emphasize boldly that I don't want to donate any body part while I am alive.

Also, I want that my investment portfolio gets donated to the most important charities based on the most recent Copenhagen Consensus chart.

How do I make sure these things will be taken care after I die? Please don't give a general response, such as "write a will and become an organ donor" but step-by-step instructions.




  1. Donor card in your wallet should be available in a bunch of places to specifiy donor wishes.

    Investment is a will. Period.

    What are you looking for here? Fill out a donor card with your specific wishes on it and carry it at all times.

    You write a will with your bequest designations as specific as possible. File a copy with the atty who is responsible as well as a copy with your next of kin.

  2. I am sorry to list this is my answer as you instructed that is not what you wanted for an answer.  However, you must have a will or living will drawn up to ensure your wishes are followed.  You most likely need a medical portion added to the will as well in order to ensure your organs will be donated only upon your death.  In your will you will need to name a beneficiary or an executor of your estate/assets.

    An attorney will charge big bucks to draw up a will.  Paralegals are qualified to draw up such documents for a fraction of the price.  A friend of mine used the following companies services to have her will drawn up.  They offered the most reasonable prices and they offered a free consultation.  Check it out, it is worth the price of nothing to get a free consultation.

    Best wishes.

  3. Donor card or state issue id it looks the same as a dl with donor info on the back you can get this from the DMV

    For the donation you will need to specify  some one to make the decision as to what charity is the most important at that time  that way there is no argument as to which is more important  

  4. The simplest answer is to see an attorney.  

    You're not going to be here to make sure it happens.  Your only hope of making sure it happens is to get the documents correct before you go.   You're only hope of getting the documents correct is to have a competent attorney draft them for you, and supervise their execution.

    So... step one... find an attorney.... step two.... make an appointment.... three.... go to the appointment..... four.... follow their advice.  

    Easy enough.  

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