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I recently got my lip pierced, last night and its very swollen. I've been cleaning it frequently with Bactine using a q-tip and when I clean it, a yellow pus like substance comes out from the hole. Is this part of the normal healing routine?..and before any of you question, YES I had it PROFESSIONALLY DONE.Thankyou for any help.
Soo. I had got my lip done last Saturday. The first day it was a little sore, but it was fine, but now, three days later, my lip is swollen and it stings a tad if I move it. It is not too swollen, but noticiable. I clean my lip, inside and out, probally five times a day with sea salt. I try my best to take out all the build up(or whatever that white/yellowish stuff is) in my hole, but it comes back within an hour or more. I was thinking about using Gly-oxide, because it helped a lot with my monroe pericing. But I won't be able to buy it until the weekend. Right now, I would really love to find a way to help with the swelling and the sting.
I want to save my lip pirceing, so PLEASE, someone help me lol
Report (0) (1) | 10 years, 9 month(s) ago
I pierced both my top monroes(angel bites) Yesterday.. It is very swollen now like as if I just got injections jn my top lip or something.. I pierced them to where they are vertical from my snake bites and the top ones look like they are to close together compared to other people now that I realized it. They are very sore and swollen. I am wondering if I should take them out or not?? & then just go and then them professinally dkne in a couple months??
Report (0) (0) | 10 years, 10 month(s) ago
If your lip is swollen like the next day really bad or around some time like that then that just means that you slept on the side you got it pierced. I pierced my own lip and i slept on the oppisite side and the next day the swelling wasnt really that noticable...my friend slept on the side she got it pierced and her lip was looking like a sausage!
Report (0) (0) | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
Okay so i pierced my lip last night after one of my friends told me i was too scared, i know i am retarded but whatever. the problem here is that it was fine up until this mornin but now its semi-swollen my mom told me i had to take it out, any advice?? Asap pls, I have school in two days!!
How long will it take to close up and for the swelling to go away???
Please help,
thanks Jayne
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well why u hurt ureself because of some dum fashion its we that we should take care of rather fashion
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it's going to hurt and be swollen for a bit, up to two weeks (i just got mine done). you should do mouth wash frequently but only use the saline twice a day or else it may cause the piercing to take longer to heal.
hope this helps (:
well this s**t is krazy man looks like my man has been beating my ars man and this is the third day i have had no discharge yet i guess but its red and sinking into my lip i hope ey gets better i guess ill take me some meds for my lip and vitamins i think ill take the professionals advice
i just peirced my lip myself. like 2 hours ago. it got pretty swollen pretty fast and i didnt do a bad job so im thinking its normal. if yellow stuff starts coming out i will c**p my pants and cry because this stupid peircing took me for ever to get up the nerve to do lol. i dont think yellow stuff coming out of it is normal. that didnt happen with my nose peircing which i had professionally done. so anyways, the swelling is normal i do believe lol :D
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I got my monroe done yesterday, and there is a little swelling, a tiny bit of yellow pus, and it's sore, but I'm pretty sure this is normal. What isn't normal is that the backing of my piercing is getting caught on the top and bottom of my gums when I smile or sometimes eat. It scrapes my gums horribly and hurts like h**l. Now I have a dark red mark on my gums where the backing keeps getting caught. I feel like a shorter bar would help so the bar doesn't keep moving around and getting hooked on my gums. I had the same thing happen to my other side of my lip when i tried to get my monroe the first time, but the gums were getting torn up, sore and extremely red so i had to take it out. Any advice???
i got my lip done 5days ago it didn't swell, it has puss on the 2nd and 3rd day and it was a little sore yesterday but today it feels fine :D
I got my monroe pierced two days ago and the day after it got super swollen. Now it is even more swollen then it was yesterday and i'm afraid the back of the piercing is going to get stuck in the inside of my mouth. What do i do??????
I Did My Monroe Yesterday Night And It Got Super Swollen And The Next Morning It Was The Same. Im Puttin Ice On It But I Dont See No Difference.Or It take More Time For The Swolenless To Go Down.?And What Can I Put , I Cant Have It Swollen For Valentines , My Bf Is Taken Me To Eat.
Also, puss is normal. All of miy piercings have done that, some worse then others. It is only dead white blood cells, part of the healing process. If your peircing does get infected, do not remove it. That seems as if it'd be the obvious thing to do, I know. But the place who pierced my lip said that removing the jewelry leaves the hole open. With it being completely open the outsides of the hole will close first, emcumbassing the infection inside, then you may have major problems. It is brutal but wait it out.
The shop were I got my lip pierced at told my that you should take 800 milligrams of ibuprofen every 6 hours. It has a non-steroidal ani-inflammitory drug in it that takes down the swelling. It definitely works. I would go to bed for about 8 hours and wake up with it SO swollen and painful. I'd take some ibuprofen and within an hour it felt much better. They also told me to rinse my mouth with a no-alcohol mouthwash very frequently. I was also told to clean the outside of the piercing with either contact solution, (it sterilizes, yes), and sea salt mixture, or plain antibacterial soap. Do not use peroxide or alcohol, it will damage the new tissue and interrupts healing. Also, do not move your jewelry unless you are cleaning it. This can interrupt healing also. But yes, swelling, is normal unfortunately..I feel and look as if someone punched me in the face :(
1. First day:
2. Day 2-7 :
3. Week 2-8 (2months) :
NEVER LEAVE YOUR PIERCING WITHOUT JEWELRY FOR MORE THEN FEW HOURS (Ofcourse for the first two weeks, the jewelry should not be out whatsoever at all). Even a healed piercing can close overnight
Okay....I'm an apprentice Piercer I'm also the manager for a smoke shop so I see piercings and change piercings all day long. I also have various piercings including spider bites. If the back is digging into your lip or gums use a horseshoe and it will help alleviate some of the pressure and swelling. The best thing I have found is using sea salt in warm water and piercing lotion from this company http://lovemypiercings.com/. As for the swelling alternate from cold and heat. I love popcicles or an icepack then a super hot solution of salt water and soak a rag in it and press it to your lip. Swelling and the puss like liquid will come out thats normal. Its just your white cells working to heal you and dead tissue break down. Don't worry. Hope this helped you out.
i did mine lastnight and the back is sinking in , my gums wont heal over the piercing will it ?
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I pierced my lip myself and its swollen bad!! It doesnt hurt but i dont want my mom to know...What do i do??? Please help!!
i got my lip peircing 4 days ago and its swollen and hurts like h**l. the disk in the back is sinking into my lip and i have to keep opening my skin so it doesnt heal over it. what do i do?? answer asap
Report (0) (2) | earlier
you need to see a doctor if that comes out because i have my lip sooooo swollen and it got bigger so it maybe an allergic reaction but cleaning it with soap will help. clean it 6-8 times a day
<p>The yellow puss is normal. I have a medusa, a labret, snakbites & my septum done. I had recently gotten my snakebites done, so their still healing. the sinking in part on the post is normal too. it's just cos the lip is swollen and the body is trying to get rid of it, but once all the swelling goes down it should be fine, that's how it was with my medusa, and when the swelling went down it was perfectly fine. just keep up with the normal routine use saltwater mixed with warm water, ice, don't eat spicy or really hot foods, don't play with it, don't kiss anyone, or do anything with your mouth really. take care of it. and within a week, all the swelling will be gone. it will still be in the healing process, so the yellow puss may still come out. and don't change the post or hoop, whatever you're using until it's fully healed. since the lip is already getting used to stuff you have now in you're lip, a new object in there could f**k things up. and btw, I did all of my piercings myself. [:</p>
The yellow puss is normal. I have a medusa, a labret, snakbites & my septum done. I had recently gotten my snakebites done, so their still healing. the sinking in part on the post is normal too. it's just cos the lip is swollen and the body is trying to get rid of it, but once all the swelling goes down it should be fine, that's how it was with my medusa, and when the swelling went down it was perfectly fine. just keep up with the normal routine use saltwater mixed with warm water, ice, don't eat spicy or really hot foods, don't play with it, don't kiss anyone, or do anything with your mouth really. take care of it. and within a week, all the swelling will be gone. it will still be in the healing process, so the yellow puss may still come out. and don't change the post or hoop, whatever you're using until it's fully healed. since the lip is already getting used to stuff you have now in you're lip, a new object in there could f**k things up. and btw, I did all of my piercings myself. [:
Take A Nice Warm Shower .The Heat Makes Wonders for Swollen Lip .
After Your Out Of The Shower Apply some Vaseline Or Carmex (lip care) .
Then Apply Ice .It Should Be Perfectly Normal OnThe 4 day (:
Good Luck <3
I pierced my own lip just yesterday and when I woke up it was really swollen and pus was coming out...I was told that if it gets swollen not to take it out bcuz that could make it worse...I have a date tonight so as for swelling what should I do?
My lip got pierced saturday, and when i woke up this morning it was swolen up bad. ive tried ice, warm and cold water, and mouth wash and its still swolen what do i do?
- ice to suck on - no kissing or oral s*x - salt mixed with warm water - maybe a after care spray from a beauty shop for eg hairhouse ware house or sally beauty store. - always brush your teeth, brushhh it after every meal.. - dont play with it with your hands or tongue until completely healed - always touch it with clean hands when handling it. thats all xo goodluckkk.
i pierced mah lip mahself yesterdayy it was finee all dayy until this morninq when iwoke up it was so swollen idont kno whaa tah do ididnt even qo tah skewl cause it was so biq. anyy suqqestions ?? :/
i is infected cuz i had many done and it never did that and u can use ice
Hello, I got my lip pierced 2 days ago, and did not experience swelling until this morning. My swelling also introduced a feeling of numbed pain to the swollen area, which include my upper and lower lips and cheeks. Other than the swelling and numbness/pain, there have been no side effects.
The tip of my tongue also has been experiencing this detached pain as well. The numbed/pained areas are the areas in which I "swished" my mouth with a blue numbing agent prior to my piercing. Other than the swelling, I've had no side effects. There was no swelling before today. At the same time, the room I had been sleeping in dramatically changed temperatures. It went from in the 70s to in the high 80s/90. Does this also influence the amount of swelling I experience?
the first time i got my lip pierced my lip was swollen & my labret was sinking into my lip it got infected & after a month i got it repierced again. i told the piercer to put in a longer bar & i bought H2O MOUTH WASH & AFTERCARE SPRAY. they worked perfectly fine & my lip is healing soo good & fast. try it out. thjey have their own website its called h2o. but the inside of my lip the disk looks like it sinking in, is this normal.
I just got a piercing yesterday, and was not told by my piercer what i could or could not do. When I got back all I had to worry about was taking medicine for the pain. Except, my guy friend came over that night and we were kissing. At some point while we were kissing the swelling increased and my lip got extremely swollen. I woke up this morning and tried to clean it, and I ice it when I can. Is this something that is going to take more than a week to reduce? Because I would really like to have Thanksgiving without a big puffy lip.
My Lip Just Got Swollen And I Did Mine My Self Like 5 Days Ago And I Got So Scared And My Mom Was Gonna Take Me To The Doctors But I Waited A Few Hours And It Went Down So You Just Have To Give It Some Time To Let It Go Down But Don't Mess With It And Make Sure Your Hands Are Clean When You Touch It And Clean It Daly. Make Sure To Rinse Your Mouth With Water After Eating And Make Sure You Stay Away From Spicy Things. Good Luck!(:
Latest activity: 10 years, 9 month(s) ago. This question has 66 answers.