
How do I make this one creepy guy at school get away from me?

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There's this one guy at school who says Hi to me whenever he sees me (literally, even if I don't make eye contact) and ALWAYS has to say Hi to me every ten minutes even if he's sitting right by me - sometimes even if he's sitting on the other side of the room. He's really perverted and dresses really scarily but has never said anything weird to me. I really want him to go away but I don't want to be mean.




  1. All he is doing is saying hi. Maybe u r changing his life just by saying hi to him. Maybe he doesnt have any friends and feels comfortable speaking to u. Its really not that big of a deal. But if u must say sumthin, just say Hey...I enjoy saying hello, but not every 5 mins and then that he knows that u arent getting mad or anything.

  2. I'm glad to see he has some friends.  I was going to say he may be autistic or have a tic that compels him to say hi.  Since he is not menacing him, just ignore it.  

    If it is getting too much of the attention you need to put on your lessons, talk to the counselor.  Since you are in the same class, you may have the same counselor.  You might find out more about his reasons or the counselor (who is trained in dealing with young people) may talk to him.

    There is a psychological truth, intermittent reinforcement is a strong way to increase the number of times a person does something.  If you are going to want to stop his behavior, you are going to have to totally ignore it, no smiles, no eye contact, no looking at him.

    This seems to be unnecessary if you meet him in the hall and he says hi.  You will have to ignore all the hi-ing in the classroom.  Maybe you can move your seat to where you can't see him.

    I am happy to see you don't want to be mean to him.  Try not to turn him into an enemy, either.  

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