
How do I make yogurt in my own kitchen?

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How do I make yogurt in my own kitchen?




  1. It can be incredibly easy....just get a culture starter and follow instructions (you can make it with or without an actual yougurt machine)......start it at night and have some for breakfast the next day.

  2. My mom taught me last wednesday!  

    Get yogurt with active cultures.  (you may have to try different brands to see which will result in a good stock)

    Boil milk, as as it starts to boil, turn off the stove top and let it cool to about half way b/w room temp and boiling, so around 20-30 minutes.  You may have to skim the cream from the top (it'll result in parts of yogurt tasting like plastic).  Add in the yogurt.  (I think she used a ratio of half gallon of milk to 5 tablespoons of yogurt).  Mix, and transfer to a container that can be kept in a fairly warm/dark place.  At home we stick it in a thermos and leave that on the counter out of the way in the kitchen.  Wait a day, and voila!  You may have to experiment to get it right, but it came out pretty well.  I'll add to the post if I can find more precise directions online, but that's how I learned.  Good luck!


    ^^^This has more precise directions and it's exactly what we do at home.  Except for the measuring part.  We never measure anything at home, we're so used to eye-balling it.  You shouldn't need to add the milk powder it thicken, it should do so naturally.  Hope it helps.

  3. you dont unless you have cows out back and know how to ferment the milk

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