
How do I (male) last longer in bed? Is there a technique? pills?

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How do I (male) last longer in bed? Is there a technique? pills?




  1. practice make perfect.jk . working out is a good example you should run like 4 times a week like a mile or two some times a energy drink is good it works for me even if you *** you can keep going if your really in the moment

  2. if you feel you are going to come,change positions... you can also think about something boring for a bit which will be kinda of  a turn off and then concentrate on what you are doing again to get back into it...

  3. There is Viagra, but i don't recommend it.

    Do an exercise called "kegels", this helps build the muscles that are responsible from the male o****m. By training this muscle (PC muscle) you will strengthen it, therefore strengthening your orgasms as well. The PC muscle is located right between your s*****m and a**s. This exercise is done by flexing the PC muscle. The next time you urinate, try stopping mid-stream without your hands, and that is your PC muscle. Contract and release this muscle as many times as you can throughout the day and before you know it you'll have the ability to last as long as you want.

  4. wear two condoms

  5. try this stuff called mandelay.

    its a gel that makes you last longer.

    hope that helps (:

    its like $4 on

  6. if you are circumcised, f******n restoration can help maintain a more natural rhythm which lasts longer

    I restored my f******n by stretching, the pleasure increases have been great, it's like it was naturally meant to be there, it was well worth the effort

  7. practice.. Go slow.. when you feel like you are going to finish stop and focus more on kissing and caressing until you are ready to continue

  8. if you only last about a minute go and see your doctor than he would talk to a specialist and if its bad than he would give you an op on your p***s

  9. ya the technique is learning to hold your load back ...discipline.........

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