
How do I manage bad breath?

by  |  earlier

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I notice even after brushing, my mouth doesn't smell pleasant. I knew then that the odor doesn't really come from my mouth itself. I don't even have cavities. It comes all the way from my internal. I'm so shy to talk to anyone else because I worry this thing. They might smell it and be disgusted. Sometimes, I can see people whom I am talking to moves away there head and I already knew the reason why. Maybe they're too reluctant to tell me about this thing bec they don't want to embarass me. I'm har up with this thing. Anyone could suggest a possible solution?




  1. do you have your tonsils out!!! that is what my sisteer has it is her sinusis!!!!! she uses so much mouthwash and chews so much gum she is only five so they will not take out them!!!!

    go to you doctor!!!

  2. brush floss mouth wash 3 times a day or two at least and keep gum on u at all times but use mouth wash and floss and change your tooth brush

  3. Start by cleaning your system out by drinking water mixed with vinegar or eat some burnt toast (black as you can stand it). Do this for three days and you're OK.

  4. brush your teeth in the morning, after every meals, and before going to bed.

    use mouthwash at least 2x a day (morning and before sleep)

    use dental floss at least once a day (after every meal is recommended)

    carry low/no sugar gums for unexpected moments (tridents and orbit are the best)

    mouth clean-up and check up at the dentist (at least once a year)

    this should cover pretty much everything

  5. aw, that's too bad.

    well you can try drinking lots of water, chewing gum, mouth washing with listerine, flossing regulary, brushing after every meal, & don't eat foods that have an intense, unpleasant ordour.

    if that doesn't work you should ask your doctor and tell him about what's happening because maybe it's not just bad breath... maybe something really bad is causing it? :(

  6. Brush your teeth, listerine, or gum!

  7. Do you clean off your tongue often? A lot of bacteria is on the tongue that makes your breath smell.

  8. Try these dental tips

  9. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! water will flush out anything foul out of your body. also, floss your teeth because there are bits of food or plaque stuck in there which will start rotting and smelling very gross. during this time, i suggest you chew gum or mints and use listerine. mostly though, eat healthy food and remember all your fruits and vegetables. some things cannot be cured by science and medicine because a healthy person's foundation is what they eat.

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