
How do I manage to become a vegetarian, when everyone in my house eats meat with every meal?

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I live in a house where everything everyone eats, and every meal we have has meat in it. I don't know. I need to become a vegetarian, and I don't know if being in this environment will be hurtful towards my goal. What can I do to not let them suck me back in? I know it should be easy enough to just not eat meat but they still always make me cook their food and cut up their hot dogs and junk....




  1. Tell them that you are not going to help them cook food you are not going to eat. There is no reason you should have to do that; leave all the nasty c**p to them. But you can try to prepare the vegetables and stuff (if you guys have any).

    If there are absolutely no vegetables or fruit in your house, and your parents refuse to buy any, the only thing you can do is stick with eating meat. =[

    But if your family is open minded and want to help you, you can ask them to go to the grocery store with you to choose out some nice healthy veggies. Try to spend most of your time in the fruit and vegetable section while you're shopping for food.

    Good Luck!

  2. You;ve got to stand up for yourself and do what you want...even if that means making your own meals.

  3. Don't eat the meat. Just eat the side dishes.

  4. Move out and move in with vegetarians should help. Other than that, you're screwed as far as becoming a vegetarian is concerned unless you have intense will power and can have your way.

  5. i live in the south...they put meat in everything...esp veggies. i live in house of big meat eaters and ive managed. i either eat the side dishes or make my own meal. if you are having say...stir fry...i will cook the meat and veggies separately so i can eat it...this also works for salads, pasta with meatballs, etc.  i cook out with my fav and make portobello 'burgers' or veggie burgers instread of hamburgers. instead of making a soup with chicken broth i sub veggie broth.  i leave out 'southern flavorings' from my bacon and ham hocks...ick. if you cook most of the meals as you say u do, then you can just tweek things so they are vegetarian. a lot of times ill make a  large portion and save it for days when i dont feel like eating certain sides. its not to difficult if you plan things out. good luck.

  6. I am a vegetarian and also live in a house of meat eaters. Well for starters if you really want to become a vegetarian and have a reason to become one you family should be supportive. And also if you want to then you will have to find a way to deal with your families meat consumption. You could also start making salads with your meals. Make one for each of your family members only make yours your main course. You could also try to convince your family to try meatless chicken (which is not nearly as bad as they sound. There actually quite tasty) or veggie burgers. If your family is having hamburgers cook yourself up a veggie burger. I don't know if you eat cheese and milk but that is a good  idea because you need some dairy products and cheese is really good on salads. As to the part o them sucking you back in, if your passionate about being a vegetarian then they should not be able to suck you back in. And if they taunt you just remind them that they are consuming an animal that once breathed and had a soul. That will get them to shut there mouths. When your cooking there food or cutting it just remind yourself how you have more will power then them. Your the veggie in the family. I hope this helps :] good luck :]

  7. I would suggest eating veggie burgers, veggie hot dogs, veggie corn dogs, veggie nuggets etc. and if your family wants you to cut there hot dogs and stuff just say no or ignore them. dont let your family try and get you to eat meat or let you unacomplish your goal it wont be right to you or the animals.

  8. I live in that situation too.  I decided to become a vegetarian six years ago.  It takes a lot of will power, and maybe it will be easier for you if you buy vegetarian meat and make it for yourself while you make them their meat.  It takes time and will power, it sounds gross, but what got me through those first weeks of staying away from meat was the thought that those were dead animals and kind of pictured road-kill.

    Sorry for that last part, I know its not a pretty picture, but it was what got me trough.  Hope I helped.  Contact me if you need support.

  9. try to get them to limit their daily intake of meat. maybe they can become vegetarians, too!

  10. Your body needs meat. You'll be losing a lot of protein and vitamins, and you'll be very un-healthy. A good mix of meat and vegetables will keep you healthy.

    Tell me, if we wern't supposed to eat meat, then why do we need it so much?

    Anyway, if you wanna reject your health and trash meat, then just don't force it upon everyone else. DO NOT preach your vegetarianism on everyone else.

  11. My brother's been in this situation for gosh, 20 years now. He'll eat with the family and just skip the meat dish. When they make hot dogs his is a veggie dog. For veggie dishes with meat in them he'll set some aside before the meat is added or mae his seperate. They do a lot of mix-n-match meals like buritos, tacos, or salads so you can put in what you want - just skip the meat.  And on holidays he's always the one to cook the big meat dish. Doesn't bother him in the slightest.  Once you master a few veggie dishes you could volunteer to do the cooking and show them that veg food really does taste good. It probably won't turn them, but it may make them more open to having one veg meal a week.

  12. I'm the only vegetarian in my entire family, but i managed. Just don't give into the meat.

    ~Check out~

    ~here are some recipie sites~

  13. Will Power. Maybe the more you do it, the more they will understand and perhaps try it themselves. Do what you beleive in and think is right.

  14. i'm having the same problem (kind of). i gave up soda a couple months ago and it's been really hard to give it up. my mom always runs out to get sodas during the day and whenever we go out, there are soda machines everywhere, and my family orders's so hard! but i have managed to refrain from drinking any. i just buy a bottle of water instead. so for you, you could pick an alternative that you love and make it for yourself while your family is making their meat. plus, they will see you are busy preparing your own meal that they won't ask you to help cut up the hot dogs (i know, it's sweet!)

    but i had a soda the other day, and it tasted horrible! so eventually, you won't be used be used to the taste of meat products, so it will be even easier to stay a vegetarian.

    hope this helps!

  15. I am the only vegetarian in my house, and it can be hard sometimes, seeing everyone have their own dinners and meals, then having to prepare your own. However it's so worth it! Just think about how many animals you're saving, and how much healthier your meal is then theirs! =) Good luck!

  16. 1.) You need support from your family. Talk to them about why you are choosing a vegetarian diet. Also, back this up with dietary information.

    2.) If you are cooking the meat, don't eat it.

    3.) Research what you should eat instead. Just removing meat from your diet might not be healthy. You need to encorporate a large range of vegetables, grains, fruits, and legumes in your diet. My family typical meal is meat and a side dish. If I was to just remove the meat and eat the side dish, my health would suffer. And the ability to not eat meat would be impossible. (I tried it, it failed. Hence the support form the family).

  17. Here's what you do:

    1. Talk to your parents and family and explain why you would like to be a vegetarian.

    2. Outline the potential health benefits of vegetarianism to your family, without being too pushy.

    3. Even if they don't want to be vegetarians with you, ask that they respect your wishes, and try to provide (at the very least) support for your lifestyle choices and maybe even help cook some vegetarian dishes for the whole family.

    As for them making you cut up their meat, I don't know what your family relationships are like, but I'm sure reasoning with them that with your vegetarianism, you don't want to cook meat dishes any more should be understandable.

  18. Just be confident in what your goal is.

    To stop eating meat.

    In my house you really can't open a fridge or freezer

    without seeing dead carcus.

    Also, will power.

    That's extremely inportant.

    Don't let anyone hold you back.

    Also, cook your own meals.

    Look them up maybe at like

    Just refuse to eat it

    stand up for your beliefs and

    tell them to respect you.

  19. explain to your parents that you dont want to eat or touch meat for whatever reason you have

  20. Everybody in your house eats meat at every meal? That certainly dosen't sound healthy....I'm glad you decided to become a vegetarian.

    I would research some of the health benefits of becoming a vegetarian. It's really easy to find on the web, or if you really want you can email me. Then, if they ask you why you are becoming vegetarian, you can tell them exactly why. Also, I'd try making meals for yourself or go grocery shopping and get some food for yourself.

    Just make sure that you stand by it. If you're really motivated and care about your health, you should have no problem.


    Humans do not need meat. Meat is not the only thing that contains protein. Nobody is "trashing" their health by becoming vegetarian. It has been scientifically proven that vegetarians are less prone to cardiovascular disease and cancer than meat-eaters. In fact, the Japanese (who eat very little meat, except fish) have one of the longest life expectancies in the world as opposed to Americans (who eat WAY more meat than any human should during their lifespans) are plagued with cardiovascular disease and cancer.

    And let her preach. Sounds an awful lot like what you're doing, anyways.

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