
How do I manually remove a Trojan Horse virus when my explorer won't stay open?

by  |  earlier

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Here's the story:

Earlier this evening, I was trying to transfer some files, when Windows Explorer randomly crashed. I thought it was a glitch, and opened it up again, only to have it crash again almost immediately. After restarting twice and having the same problem, I had AVG scan my computer and it turns out I got a Trojan Horse virus this afternoon. More specifically, AVG's calling it Trojan Horse Generic10.BCHQ. I've looked around for a trojan removal program, and while many programs will scan for free, I'll have to shell out twenty or thirty dollars for an automatic removal. So instead, I've opted to manually delete the files the spyware detectors have found.

But how am I supposed to delete files if I can't leave Windows Explorer open? I can view the files with Firefox or Internet Explorer, but is there anyway to delete the files from there? Should I delete the files manually at all or is there another *free* option?




  1. You should use an antivirus program and antispyware software, because your computer is now infected with viruses and/or spyware.

    Here you have more information on computer security, as well as good and free programs that you can download into your computer:

    The  website list top ten the best and newest anti-spyware in 2007.

    All are safe and can be trusted and you can download one.

  2. You must install CLAMWIN

    ClamWin is a Free Antivirus for Microsoft Windows

    that uses the GNU General Public License by the Free Software

    Foundation and is free (as in freedom) software.

    There is a portable version of ClamWin where it can be install into an USB thumb drive.

    You can install in a USB drive as small as 128 MB.

    First use another PC to download Clamwin portable anti-virus

    and install Clamwin portable on a USB thumb drive.

    How to configure ClamWin

    Update the latest anti-virus definition files.

    Set the preferences to delete or move virus to a quarantine folder.

    Boot up the infected PC in safemode command prompt.

    Use the USB drive with Clamwin Anti-virus installed to scan the infected PC.

    Use command prompt change H: to the USB drive letter on your PC

    "H:\ClamWinPortable\App\clamwin\bin\cl... -d "..\..\..\Data\db" --memory --kill --remove --log=c:\clamwin.log

  3. AVG  should be able to remove  your trojan horse.if you cant,but can  manage to use internet explorer, try downloading spybot search&destroy.I  had trojan horse generic10.BHES and it got rid of it

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