
How do I maximize my workout results and lose more weight?

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I am a 30 year old female, 5'2", 131 lbs (was 138), (have 3 kids) and I have been working out 3-4 times per week at the gym for about 8 weeks. I usually do 20-40 minutes on the elliptical then 20 minutes of various weight machines (rowing, squats, calf raises, thighs,etc.) I have lost 7 lbs. I have drastically reduced my caloric intake (about 1400/day) and cut out the sodas and junk food. I eat very healthy small meals about 5 meals per day. I was hoping to have lost more than 7 lbs by now. I have been stuck for almost 2 weeks at this level of weight loss and want to know what else to do. I have a trip coming up in 60 days and I want to drop another 10 lbs by the time I leave. My midriff is a real problem area. I am short-waisted, have a pudgy tummy and some little love handles. My limbs are pretty lean. I know spot reduction is a myth and I need some helpful advice. I used to have a hard time keeping weight on (even after 2 kids) but it was like my body went way south after the 3rd child. Help!




  1. Although you say you were hoping to have lost more weight by now, you're actually doing quite well.   You're off to a good start!

    Your body may have hit a plateau with the exercises you've been doing.   It could be time for some changes -- or at least some additions -- to your workout routine.

    Also, you said you do the elliptical, and "then" weights.   I would do the opposite if I were you -- I would do the weights first, then the cardio stuff.

    Researchers have found that weight training triggers the release of hormones that prime up the body for weight loss -- so, after doing weights, your body is primed and ready to shed some pounds.   Thus, a perfect time to hit the cardio machines.

    I would also add some weight routines to the ones you're doing -- also, try some other cardio routines besides the elliptical.   The treadmill or stairmaster, for instance.

    In other words:  your body needs you to change your workout routine fairly frequently.  Otherwise, your body gets too used to doing the same exercises all the time, and you hit a plateau.  

    One more thing:  When you're doing your weights (before your cardio), don't just stand there or sit there doing nothing when you're in between sets.  

    Instead, while you're resting in between sets of one weight exercise, go and do another weight exercise.  Or do some abdominal/core exercises.  

    For instance, last night I was doing bicep curls -- I usually do four sets of between 12 and 15 repetitions.   While resting my arms in between sets, I got on the Swiss ball and did some crunches.  

    That will also help you lose weight.  

    Good luck ... PM me if you have any more questions.


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