
How do I meet guys outside of work?

by Guest31923  |  earlier

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I'm not unfriendly but it's really hard for me to meet guys if it's outside of a workplace. I'm not a 10, but I certainly wouldn't consider myself ugly. I only said that because I know guys only approach pretty girls and I thought maybe that's why I'm not getting approached, in any case, I go to college and it's hard to meet anyone there as well because no one in my class each other anyway. I'm 19 and I'm secretly really lonely! I met a lot of new people and guys at my last job but I don't work there anymore and it's been rather hard finding a job in the meantime. How do I meet guys?




  1. I feel like you may meet someone at school. if not what about ur friends? cant you join them at parties and get togethers? there should be guys can meet and mingle! also out to dinner, bars when you get old enough...there is  plenty of time...i say enjoy the freedom while you have it!

  2. Well, you have to find something that is common about you and the people around you.  That's why it was so easy to meet guys at your job-you both had your job to fall back on in conversation.  I mean, i'm assuming conversation is the difficult part; you know, getting to talk to them, vice versa, you know?  It's easy when you both work together, but rather cumbersome when you are not in that setting.

    You really have to not be afraid to let someone know you are interested.  That doesn't mean you necessarily have to go and talk anyone's head off then tell them you love them.  No, that just means that you show them that they are somewhat more interesting to you than the other people around you.  Give him a glance that last for about 3 seconds, then look away.  That's just enough time to let him know that you are noticing that he's noticing you, and that you are making yourself noticed without saying a single word.  Depending on how they respond to this gesture, catch up to them, after class or something, and just introduce yourself.  Then just walk away.  That's all you gotta do.  He'll be checking for you everyday after that.

    Trust me, you do that, communication will pick up after that.  Good luck

  3. a party full of people in the same boat as you. Good luck.


  5. well if you're in college then why dont you try arrange a night out with your class? try get everyone to go out to a club, or cinema or bowling? anything! you're going to be in college with those people for at least another year so its worth trying to make friends. i know you said they dont really talk but in my experience it only takes one person to keep talking and break the ice and then its grand. everyone else probably feels the same. this is my third year starting in a new college and the more you talk to people the better it gets! and remember personality is far more important than looks so dont worry, you will always be far more happier with a ton of friends than none and a boyfriend.

    good luck and dont worry!  :)

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