
How do I muffle the noise of my treadmill? I live in an apartment.?

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I live in a 3 story apartment, & i'm on the 2nd floor. I've ran on my treadmill, & my downstairs neighbor came up to see what was going on, he thought there was a fight or something. Lol. But how do I muffle the noise and make it quieter when I run? I don't want to annoy my neighbors whenever I want to run.




  1. It should be ok.. I know the noise of a treadmill.. as long as you do it not right after lunch and not until 3 pm in the afternoon in case old people live there and take an afternoon nap... any time should be ok but not after 8 pm... people might want to watch the news or a film.You would put  a matt under the treadmill anyhow otherwise it will leave horrible indentations in a carpet... if it stands on a carpet...yes that muffles the sound slightly... not much though

  2. Use a Muffler

  3. It would seem obvious to put some manner of rug underneath.  Also, you may try to do a vigorous walk instead of the pounding of running.  You may tell the neighbor that you plan to work out for 30 (whatever) minutes each day at this time.  At least they will expect it.


    hang sheets on the walls to absorb sound

  5. Theres not much you can do about this. The noise thats making is from the running steps. You cant just run slow to make the noise go away. That's pointless. I think you should move the treadmill to some other place. If your treadmill is directly up from your neighbors living room, Move it to somewhere else. maybe above the bathroom will be a better place.

  6. You might try putting something like a rubber pad under the machine so that the vibration from the machine doesn't go through the floor so easily.

  7. I don't have the answer, but I wish I could trade you for some of my neighbors!  Kudos to you for wanting to be considerate.

  8. Put your treadmill on a thick rug, preferably one with a non-slip side. This will help reduce the pounding noise and the noise from the unit moving around. You might also change the position of the treadmill. If it is close to a wall the floor is less likely to "give" as much which causes creeks.

    You might also ask what their schedule is so that you can run during times that they won't be at home.

  9. Maybee put it on a  mat love. A thick one.

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