
How do I negotiate 'on call' pay with my employer?

by  |  earlier

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I work as the assistant manager of an apartment complex, part time, and they want me to be on call during my off-duty hours for no additional pay. This is a conflict for me, as I do have a life outside of this job....not to mention the fact that it is not my only job. I know that other companies pay their employees perhaps a lesser wage for on call hours. How do I negotiate this with my employe? I refuse to be on call without being paid something. (non union)




  1. now that you are already in the job it may be difficult. did they mention on call to you during the hiring process? If not, I'd address it that way, if they did, I am sure they will compensate you if you were to get called... do you have a minimum response time if called?

    I work in telecom so on call is part of the job. We don't get paid to carry the on call phone but we get a minimum of 2 hours pay if the phone rings and we have to go out on a job whether it takes 5 minutes or 2 hours...

    The best thing would be to explain to them that being on call was not originally part of the deal. for you to be on call interferes with your other job. I wouldn't put the personal life into play here because that is not going to be of any concern to them.

    Hope it all works out for you. Don't know if I was any help, but I tried. :-)

  2. I get a flat rate when I'm on call...3/4 of my hourly rate x 8 hours per day on call.  I get that whether I get called or not. It usually works out's only a couple of times a month. Put it in writing....I didn't at first and got royally screwed.

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