
How do I (nicely) tell a friend that what she has chosen to name her son sounds like a girl's name?

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He's not born yet but I don't want to be like, trippin' after the fact so I'm tryin' help her before he gets here. She wants to name him "Jayden".




  1. sounds made up.. I like more traditional names.

    Tell her that you thought about it but its not your favorite, maybe she will get the hint.

  2. i totally agree jayden sounds girlie. tell her the truth. especially with a y! tell her that you think he will be teased and called G-ayden because seriously, he will

  3. I think it could be a boys name, wouldn't have a problem with it.

  4. tell her to call him Ayden instead coz its like jayden but more of a guys name

  5. i know loads of guys called jayden i like the name

  6. personally i don't think it sounds like a girls name.

    but if you do, then just suggest to her, in conversation, not in a joking manner but just say seriously

    "have you considered the whole teasing aspect of names"

    ie: (louie ----> pooie)

    and then bring up that some people may think it's a feminie name. don't say girly or anything colloquial, and don't let her feel like your attacking her.

    bring it up in a neutral environment where you can both talk about it comfortably without making her feel bad or embarassed

  7. I do not personlly know one Jayden that is a girl, they are all boys!!!

  8. You Will Find That Theres More Boy Jaydens Than Girl Jaydens..I Personally Think It Sounds More Of A BOY Name Than a GIRL.


  9. Jayden is a boys name! I was expecting Rosie or something!

  10. I'm not a big fan of any "-ayden" names, but I have seen, heard of, and known more male Jayden's than female ones.

    It's also not any of your business what she names her son. You should be happy for her that she is having a child and try and share in that joy with her, rather than "trip after the fact" over a name.

    Let her name her son what she wants to name him and just be happy for her.

  11. i acutly like jayden for a boy ppl do name boyz jayden. but maybe if u really hate it u could be like my sister is having a baby girl and shes naming her jayden. but it is a good name for a boy and its her choice not urs.

  12. I know about 3 or 4 boys called Jayden, and no girls!!

  13. Its not really seen as a girls name. Jayden is a very popular boys name now. Maybe just mention that you heard someone call their little girl Jayden and if that doesnt put her off then you should just let her have the name

  14. Well, in my opinion I like the name Jaden for a boy. That what I wanted to name my boy if i ever had one but everyone told me straight up that it sounde like a girl name. If you dont want her to name him that just be like I thought Jayden was a girls name. ..and see what she says. But if she does name him Jayden. She should spell it like Jaden since its a boy.

  15. Cool name IMO.

  16. Why do you want to tell her that anyway, if she likes that name just let her do what she wants to do, after all it is her decision. It might upset her if you did decide to tell her.

  17. With all due respect love its HER babys name not yours so frankly your opinion doesn't matter so shhhh.

  18. I like it for a boy- lots of celebrities have names their sons Jayden, & it can be shortened to Jay too

  19. your right that it is a girls name, however it can also be a boys name, i do know a male with the name and he has never had any trouble with it.

  20. I don't think you do.

    While I'm tired of Jayden - and Hayden, Caidhen, Aaden, Braydon and so on - it's a tricky thing to tell a friend that you're not wild about her baby name.

    As for it being a feminine choice?  *Shrugs.*  It's not the problem it once was.  Names like Joshua and Noah are Top 20 choices for boys - as is Jayden.  Given Jayden's similarity to Jason, and the number of boys running around with the name - I can't imagine a child suffering for it.

  21. You know... Jayden's not a pretty bad name for a guy

    She must have chosen other "j" names though..

    If you try to talk to her husband...

    Maybe he'll change her mind.


  22. Tell her that u know a girl who got picked on because of her name. She is called jayden

  23. First, although I am not a fan of the name "Jayden" (or any other "Ayden" name for that matter)...I think of it as a boy name.

    Second - you don't tell her what you think. It isn't your baby and it isn't your choice. If you don't have anything nice to say about her baby name, just don't say anything at all. It is a very personal decision for a person to make.

  24. Just say Anne [for example] in my opinion I think that Jayden is better for a little girl.

    I personally think Jayden is a girls name as well. Like Hayden, Jayden Cayden,and Aiden [My cousins name is Aiden Aaliyah] I like for girls.

    It is her baby though, you should let her name him whatever.

  25. If she wants to name him Jayden, let her! After all, it's actually more common as a boys name. Brittaany Spears names her kid Jayden James. Anyway, it's her kid, not yours, so don't say anyting if  she likes it.

  26. Jayden is a boys name. It's actually an extremely popular boys name right now. If you want to help her in some way, maybe talk to her about the popularity of the name, and how there will be 5 other Jayden's in his class. It's not a bad name though. Otherwise, let her name her child what she wants.

  27. Jayden...sounds cool...seriously.

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