
How do I nicely turn a guy down for a dance??

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There is this guy friend of mine who has a huge crush on me. I think that he thinks that I like him too, but I don't see him in that way... at all. In fact, I find him a little annoying.

We have a dance coming up and I know he will probably ask me, but I don't want to give him the wrong impression and say yes and lead him on. So what do I do?




  1. Just say, Thanks.  But, I've made other plans.

    You don't need to explain or excuse yourself.

  2. well when i asked a girl to the dance and she turned me down, you know what she said, she said that her friends dont have dates and if she says yes she would be the only one with date, so she just wanted to hangout with her friends, it was true she turned down two more guys

  3. This might seem more complicated than it really is, but in reality its simple. Just tell him 1. you dont want to go with a date, you just want to go with a group of people (a group of girls is even better.) 2. youre thinking of asking someone (even if you arent...if he asks who just tell him you dont want to tell anyone in case it doesnt work out) 3. you dont like going to dances with dates, but youll see him there and you can talk/hang out

    good luck!

  4. Today, a guy who is kind of shy but really sweet asked me to homecoming. I honestly didn't want to go with him because he wouldn't be a fun date, so I nicely said "That would be a lot of fun but I already made plans with someone else, sorry... but i'll save a dance for you."

  5. I always use the ol' " sorry my mom is making clean out the chicken coop that night."  Works like a charm every time for any situation.

  6. tell him you have to go to the bathroom and run away. do this every time he tries to ask.

  7. just say im sorry i really like someone else.

    answer mine?;...

  8. tell him that you have cramps and cant dance. that should embarrass him or make him not like you  

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