
How do I not be attacked by atheists for being a g*y Christian <span title="anti-evolutionist/Scientologist?">anti-evolutionist/Sciento...</span>

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How do I not be attacked by atheists for being a g*y Christian anti-evolutionist/Sciento...




  1. I wouldn&#039;t attack you for that.....

    But I might laugh at you.

  2. That&#039;s athiethtth... get it right.

  3. Repent of your sins, stop following false doctrines, and then they can only attack you for being a Christian.

  4. I&#039;m not attacking you, I just think you are wrong on a couple of points.

  5. Scientology has nothing to do with science, it&#039;s a sci-fi cult invented by L. Ron Hubbard.

    I don&#039;t have a problem with g*y ppl.

    It&#039;s your life, just don&#039;t knock on my door to tell me about it, ok?

  6. First, you have to get right with God. You cannot be a g*y Christian anymore than a meat-eater can be a PETA believer.

    Anyone who continues in sin is not a true Christian. A Christian can fall into sin, but will not repeatedly walk right into it. We all have our temptations, whether sexual or something else.

    Listen to to find out more about becoming a Christian - about repenting and putting your faith in Christ.

    Also, read up on Christianity on and

  7. You don&#039;t tell people

  8. ???????wat???????

    one word &quot;troll&quot;

  9. I don&#039;t think that is possible.

    Your g*y thetan needs to be saved.

  10. It is not the fact that you are attracted to the same s*x which is the problem, but if you act on them. Scripture is clear that it is sin. If it is okay to practice homosexuality, which God says is wrong, then why is it not okay for a kleptomaniac to steal from the rich (you&#039;re not really hurting them, as they have plenty more), why is it wrong for the pedophile to have s*x with a willing underage child (who are you to say they cannot consent), etc., ad nauseum. Keep on this track, and then you wipe out the whole concept of sin, which then wipes out the whole point of Christianity. The Bible does not say we do not have a sin nature, but that we are to crucify it and obey God. If it is okay for you to be in a g*y relationship because &quot;God made you that way,&quot; then why is it wrong for the pedo to have his favorite relationship, when &quot;God made&quot; him that way, and for the klepto to steal, etc. Either they are all wrong because God said so, or else they are all okay because God made them that way. You cannot pick and choose your favorite pet sins as okay, then stand in any kind of judgment against those with which you disagree.

    Hope this makes sense to you. God bless.

  11. your trolling skills are practically zero.


  12. I&#039;m not attacking u either (btw i am a Christian) how can u be a g*y (abomination in the eyes of God) Christian that is equivalent of being a holy and righteous satanist neither exist

  13. Ignore them as well as me.

    So your g*y? Christains hate them. It&#039;s against the bible.



  14. you don&#039;t understand what you wrote, do you?

  15. Why would I attack you?  

  16. Do u believe that God thinks it&#039;s okay to be g*y??

  17. Odd ain&#039;t it?  Imagine if you were an atheist g*y anti-creationist/scientologist, what do you think would happen to you?  I&#039;d give you a hint:  it&#039;s not a medal

  18. Stop being anti evolution

    Scientology has nothing to do with evolution

    the other two I&#039;m fine with....... but then I&#039;m not an atheist

  19. is that possible  

  20. Stop acting like such a victim/martyr and grow a pair.


    No one really cares what you believe in or do untill you try to proselytize to an unwilling audience.

  21. How about I just call you a liar?

  22. DUCT TAPE =D

    It solves everything :D

    Really, there is nothing you can do. Buttholes will always be buttholes.  

  23. I&#039;ve never seen atheists attack g*y Christians.  I&#039;ve seen plenty of *Christians* attack g*y Christians, though.  Ironic, isn&#039;t it?

    So.. you&#039;re a g*y Christian Scientologist?  That must be an interesting combination.  

    As for being anti-evolutionist, well, don&#039;t forget to add &quot;anti-intellectual&quot; to that list, IMO.

    (P.S.  I&#039;m not an atheist)

  24. as g*y atheist... theres no way u wouldnt be attacked by me....

    gosh ur so ignorant, u tried to make it look like ur totally against atheists but u totally screwed up, ur so stupid u cant even stereotype according to the stereotype of the christian conservative guy homosexuality is wrong... seriously ur stupid

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